Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christians of Courage and Compassion

As followers of Christ, courage and compassion should be some major things at the top of our ptiority list. It says in the bible to help those in need and usually when we do this, compassion comes into the picture. Courage pops in when mustering the strenght to do it. But what about the ultimate sacrific? Giving up your life for someone is the ultimate example of compassion and courage, just like we read about in the story. Would you be able to do that? Give up your life for others?
It says in the bible that this is what we should do, but how many are really up to it? I don't think I would. What about for Christ? He did it for you.

And then we have fear. :(
Fear pushes us into not doing things that we know we should. Say you write a moving speech but you have really bad stage fright. The world really needs this speech, but you are too scared to do it. What then? Courage!!! Those are the times when we must ask God for the courage to do it.
Fear really gets in the way though. So what do we do? WE have to ask God to help us overcome our fears. Because these are the fears that are of the devil. The speech needs to be heard to spread the word of God! And are you really going to let fear get in the way?
I don't know about you but I am not going to let it.

Speaking of fear... do you think that guy in the story, Todd Beamer was scared? I think so, and if I were him, I would be scared to!! Would I have done it though? Would I have given up my life to save the lives of others. Jesus did it. He did it in a much more important way though, in a way that we could never dream or even hope to match. What would you do?
I hope I would be able to do it, what about you?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dog Faced

There are many different kinds of people. Some are happy people and some are sad people. We all walk around and spread our feelings with others though. Some people make sad peopel happy and others make happy people sad. If God was with us though, which face would he have? I am voting happy, and when God is happy, doesn't that mean that we should be happy too? So, we should be happy and spread our joy just as God. We should be like the happy dog in the story.

I want to be like the happy dog!! Most of the time I am not though. Most of the time I am the sad dog with a sad reflection, and I do not reflect the love and the power of God. I just mull around making people sad. Especially when I get home from school. I get grumpy and make other people grumpy with my sad spirit. :(

This is not how the children of God should be though. We should be happy all the time and show God's love. Who cares if peopel think you're crazy? Would you rather be depicted as crazy or burn in the fires of Hell for eternity? Me? I think I would rather be crazy. How about you? How would peopel react if you told them that you were a child of God? All my friends don't mind, but they are God's children too, but others who are not as close, they tend to pick on me and berate me. They do not believe me and spit at me for mine own beliefs.

It says in the bible though, that if we are believers we will be persecuted, and twhen the end days come, it will be alot more than just being called a few names. The people who call us those names though, they do not understand. They do not know God, and it is our job to tell them of Him. We must speak to them with the Holy Spirit to guide us. We must show the Spirit to them. How do you show the Spirit to the people around you? I try to do it with my words and the boldness that the Lord God has given me and with all the talents and gifts He has bestowed upon me. What about you?

Challange: I challange any who read this to spread the love of God to everyone you meet and to show that there is someone who loves them and who cares. Let the Lord's love and glory shine through you.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Can Be Famous

Fame is a thing that many people of this Earth aspire to. Everyone wants to be noticed and to have friends and to be popular, and they think they can find that in fame. But let me ask you a question: How many people have real friends when they are famous? How many famous people are remembered after 20 years of their deaths? Not many, so what is the point of being famous hear when you can be famous in a much better place.

Fame in this world in another word for being great, so, how would you like to be great in heaven? A lot eh? Well, there is one catch. That is: Instead of being famous here on this Earth, you have to be a servant. A servant which serves everyone without complaint or even a bad thought about it. On this Earth we must serve gracefully and live for God. There is on other way to be famous in heaven.

How do we do it though? Being a servant of God is more than continually praying to him and admiring him, alought we should =, but we also have to take action. If God asks you to do something, you would do it right? Well, we have to be like that to the people all around us. How? We have to serve them with the power of God to help us. Without Him, we will trash the service and be lost in sin forever, Not to happy eh? We need to serve people better with Him to help us. I can think of something that he can help me with to help my service. Submission. WE need to submit to God before he can work with us, and that is hard enough, but submitting to humans who we see as no better or worse than ourselves, it is no easy thing.

We are at His grace and mercy when it comes to this. Without Him we would burn in Hell forevermore and I don't want to end up like that, so what do we do? We need to follow Him into service as Jesus served us by taking away our sins. We need His grace to do it though because without him we are nothing. We also need to show grace to the people we are serving though. We need to show grace to the people who we serve but we also need to love them. Not "love" as in romantic, but "love" as in friendship. We need to love those we need in friendship. Our hearts must pour the love out to the people just as they also need to pour out the grace. We need to be "full of grace and generated by love."

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christian life: Flat as a pancake?

Christian life may seem easy for some people, but it is hard for everyone. It is never easy to leave everything you have and follow a God that you can't see. It is hard to leave everything behind. And this is the excuse of most Christians. They all have all the "God" paraphanalia with the fish on the bumber and the braclects that say WWJD but do they really live it? What's the point of having it if you don't live it? And if you don't live it, do you really have it?

Like the story in the article, Christians tend to act as Kevin did. We say "You! You be Jesus today!" And it keeps going on like this until everyone expects everyone else to be Jesus. Out of Kevin and Ryan, Kevin wanting a pancake and claiming it by getting his brother to be "Jesus" and Ryan wanting it but excepting the second pancake, which one would you be? As a whole, Christians tend to be Kevin. We all try to be Ryan but we are really Kevin. I aspire to being Ryan, but in reality, I am Kevin... and that is desturbing.

There are certain situations which can tip our judgement and decisions about being or not being "Jesus" though. If something we really want is at stake we will push everything else aside and rush ahead to be Kevin and to leave the Ryans to be "Jesus." If it is something we don't particularily care about though, we tend to pretend to be the "Righteous one" and let the other one be Kevin as we play Ryan. We have to always be Ryan though, not only when we don't want or feel like being Kevin.

This applies to be too. Especially for books. I am an avid reader and there are two books which both my sister and I seriously want to read. We haven't gotten them yet, but I do believe that we both will push to be Kevin and since she is the younger one and sees me as the "Alpha" out of the two of us, she will probably relent. This has to change though. I have to curbs my desires for what I want and step down and let her have them. These are the kinds of things that I need help with from God, and without God in on it, the equation is like, 60 against 0. My desires being 60 and me falling in with the 0. The equation would change though if you add God. It would then look more like, 10000000000000000000000 (infinity) to .5. You get the picture right? Compare the odds and take a guess at who is who in this equation. Without Him, we are nothing, but things change drastically when he is on our side.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christian Cover Ups

There is alot of pressure on Christians today because of fitting in. Everyone wants to fit in, but most Christians try to fit in with the wrong groups. The cool groups. That is wrong for a Christian though because most cool groups tend to shame Christ. So what do the Christians do about it? Well, they might try to defend Him and then get kicked out or they might just do what lots of other people do.They might just put up masks.

The masks are the things that we think hide us from God. We feel like we can do anything and no one will know that it is us. God knows of course, but the masks seem to make us feel better about it. Almost all Christians have masks but it is not a good thing. I have a mask to. I call it the "Invisible faith" mask. The "invisible faith" mask is one in which you believe in Christ and yet you don't show him. You read your bible and you pray but you don't let anyone ever see you. You might share His word on the rare occasion but usually you will live your spiritual life in silence. That is the kind of mask I have and it is pretty popular.

Pretty popular with the people that is. With God,... not so much. God wants us to never be ashamed of Him and to always proclaim him to the nations. It says in His word, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you." We don't want that. We want God to be proud of us while we are humble in our deeds. We want him to say "Well done my good and faithful servant. Welcome into thine rest." That is the kind of thing we want. He wouldn't be very proud of our masks though so what do we do about it?

That answer can vary. It really depends on what mask you are wearing, for me, I wear the "invisible faith" mask, so how can I get rid of it? Well, I can, most importantly, ask God to help me. We can do nothing without Christ so the first thing we need to do is get His help on this. We need to ask Him to help us to share our fath and to make it visible ot the people around us and not just stuff it in our pockets when people on the street walk by. As my pastor says "If being a Christian was against the law, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" With the "Invisible faith" mask on, there wouldn't be.

That's why we need to ask God to help us change that. We need His help to get sent to the worldly prison so we can roam heaven free when that day comes.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Luke Chapter 6

Luke chapter 6 is a very powreful chapter. It talks about how Jesus teaches us to love each other and to take care of ourselves before critizizing others. This, in my opinion, is one of the greatest teachings of the Lord, especially when he said " But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend without hoping to get anything back" (Luke 6: 35) This is telling us, the Christians, how we should act and how we should be as the Lord in this and love and lend without wanting anything back. As our sinful nature, people go against that and we reject the people who follow Jesus and what he says. We as Christians, though, need to follow Jesus and so as he says. We need to follow Jesus with all of our hearts and this is a good place to start.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Check your watch

There are many peopel who get distressed about the end of the world. There are constant panics and discussions about it all over the world, but we need not be alarmed. As Christians we are to be ready when he comes but we are also to spread the word of God so others will be ready when he comes. Everyone knows someone who isn't a Christian, and I think it is time to change that. "Go and baptize nations in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit." says the Lord. It is our job to spread the word and to make diciples for Christ. My sister has a friend who desperatly needs the Lord but she cannot see that. We all have someone like that and we need to spread the Good News to them.

Just as I said before, there are many things happening in the world today that get people to thinking that the end of the world is nigh upon us. Nay, it is not. Pastors and preachers and religious leaders thing they know when he is coming back but they do not. Only the Father knows for sure. It even says in the bible that the earthquakes and famines are only birth pains for what is to come. We need to be ready for what is to come. We need to be watchful and alert at all times and never fall away. We need to stay soiritually awake. If it feels like nothing is happening, we tend ot fall asleep, but we need to stay awake! For how else will we know when he arrives. We must read our bibles and pray continually to know him and to be awake and ready for when he returns to our lost world.

What must we do to be ready? We must read our bibles and understand the word. We must pray always to our Lord on high! Things get in the way of that though. Worldly things. Parties, and busy lives, and pretty much anything that is a distraction and pulls us away from God, usually, sooner or later, pulls us away from God. That is why he tells us not to get attached to the worldly things. And what are worldly things compared to the glory and splendor of God?!! We must be ready and space us from the things of this world as to be ready when he comes. I am not perfect in this. I spend more time in earthly things than with God but with God's help, I will change this and become ready for His return. AMEN!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

In this world there are many different Saints and important people in our past. Probably the most accomplished of these is ST. Patrick. He converted an entire nation! And he did it because God told him to. Lot's of Christians admire him for his obedience there, but we have to have the same obedience. How can we do that? Well,... we ask God. We ask Him what we should do with our lives, and then we listen. Not with our ears or any human thing but we listen to the Spirit of God who lives in us. Then we full heartedly agree and do what he asks of us. This way we are more for Christ and less of us. That's a good thing. We all need to be committed and passionate about Christ and to do it, we need to ask, and listen. Really listen.

Just like St. Patrick. He really listened to God and he did what was asked of him. I don't know if I could do what he did. Especially if it involed public speaking. I am terrified of public speaking! He wasn't though, and if he was, it didn't really matter for him because he put aside his fear and did what God asked of him. That is one thing that many of us Christians don't have. When God asks us to do something, most of us nod in agreeance and then do nothing. St. Patrick saw life for what it was. God's creation in which he lives everything and everything matters. We tend to see it as a dark world and want to have nothing to do with it.

So what would you do if God asked you to do what St. Patrick did? Would you go whole heartedly or would you stand back in the shadows and point at someone else. Kind of like Moses did, come to think of it. My pastor likes to refer to it as "Here I am Lord, send Aaron." That's kind of what the world is like. We always want to send someone else to do the work. So, back to the question. Would you go and do what he  did? I don't know if I would. It is possible to do what he did, bcause he did it!, but we need to be willing to do it.God can change the nations for Him, but he needs us to be willing to do it. Are you willing? 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


There are many different aspects of my life. Some are easy to talk about and others, not so much. God knows about each and every one of them though. If that is true, then why do we Christians seem to believe that God is only looking at certain things in our lives, the good things? Christians seem to think that since God loves us, he forgives us of our sins and forgets, and this is true, but they also end up thinking that God doesn't look at the things they do bad. They seem to divide their lives into two different categories. The "Spiritual" and the "Non-Spiritual" sides. The "Spiritual" side is the one that they spend with God, learned and talkign to him, and praying and reading the bible. The "Non-Spiritual" side is everything else. We all have both sides but I think we need to change the names and do somehting else. I think we should call them, "Time with God in the right," and "Everything else that's bad!" Entertainment and other things aren't nessecarily bad, but God knows what we do. We can't hide from him.

 As it says in Genisis, "And God created man in his own image." That it pretty deep stuff. We are created in the image of God!! We were created period! And all he wants back is from us to know and love him! Good deal eh? Well, what do we do with that life which he gave us? Most of us squarder in for not even half of what it was worth! We are cheating ourselves and God in this! It says many times in the bible that we should obey God! We all find that hard to do, but we need to seriously work on it.

One way to do that it to read the bible more! We need to study the bible and to read the words of God, for how can we be his followers if we know not his own words!! We need to spend more time with our "Daddy" and really get to know him. A great way to do that is to read the bible and apply it!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Chasing the Wind

God is very important. He is the Creator and He wants all of his creations to live with Him in eternal splendor. That is His plan. And we, as Christians, are going to have that. What about the rest of the world? They need to know too! What good is it for us to be Christians if we don't tell anyone about Christ? As my pastor says, "We love all our family and friends to hell." We love our family and friends, but we never tell them. We are too caught up in worldly things. We want to be famous, and lave good lives, and reach our goals... Wait! What goals? Worldly goals? Or the goals that God sets for us? I want to follow God and reach his goal for me. What about you? Are you trying to achieve worldly goals like jobs and fame with only your human effort? Are you asking God for help? I am not saying that there is anything wrong with goals or jobs but we have to want His goals and strive to achieve them... and with His help, we will!

On that note, what are your goals? Me? I want to be an author. I have dreams and goals that I want to acomplish and achieve, but are they worthy goals? Do they need help? I say YES. We need help from God in everything we do! Especially me! We need him to take a look at what we are doing and let Him do what He wants to do. Our hearts are His home, so when we let him in, we also have to let him clean house. Everyone needs that! We need to have God's perspective on things and we need Him to help us live the way that He wants us to.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Butterfly Misses

Butterflies are very interesting. The float around on empty air and look very pretty. People find that interesting... but if you were to take a fake butterfly and a real butterfly to a child, the child would pick the fake butterfly becasue the colors are more elaborate or it's bigger than the real thing. The church is like that. We decide that we want the fake butterfly. The "butterfly" is not an actual butterfly mind you, it is just something that illustrates all the things that the Church would rather do and have more than they want Jesus. They put fake ideals and morals before the real Jesus. I find that wrong. Me? I want the real deal. Jesus is better than any fake butterfly.

This effects the Church greatly. Nowadays the Church goes for the fake "butterfly", the things that seem better and more cool than Jesus. They come in different forms though. One way that the church prefers the fake butterfly is when they burned bibles! The church believed that the King James Version was the only "true" bible so they burned a whole bunch of other bibles! Also, they are churches that except homosexuality. It says several times in the bible where that is wrong but still they do it. These things are unbiblical but they are becoming more and more popular. These are our fake butterflies.

That is a problem for me. I want the real butterfly before any fake one and I also want to show my real butterfly to my friends who don't believe. Now how do I do that? I show them forgiveness and love and try to be everything that the bible tells christians to be, but how do they respond? Usually they walk away, still walowing the disbelief and the void of emptiness. That is sad. They don't all see it that way though. Some see the real butterfly for what it is but have doubts about it because the church is playing with the fake butterfly. So how can we help them see? Without their consent, they never will.

We can't give up though. We must always try.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busyness Bashed the Believer

Busyness it not a sin, but it is a great time waster. Everything seems to take time today and everyone is so busy! We all have "super important" things to do and we ignore everything to do it. That effects everything. It effects me quite often. Instead if reading my bible and praying I sometimes find myself talking to a friend on the phone for a bit or maybe watching a movie with my sister. For me, at the time, they seem like good reasons, but neither my sister (no offense)  or my friends are more important than God. I know it and he knows it, but he sees it in a different light. He sees it like I am randomly doing anything and spending no time with Him and considering that that is the creator, that is a very bad thing. I am busy too. I have homework and little things that seem important but aren't, and everyone around me knows it.

That's one of the problems that we have to face. So what do we do about it? We take a break! We set aside an hour or two and just pray and read the bible and listen to God. You have to do this alone though. If you do it with someone else, you are sure to get distracted. Maybe you could do it with two but you would have to be very focused. Well, the point is, you have to listen to God. It is kind of like a coffee break from the world. And believe me, every now and then, we all need a cup of coffee.

Speaking of coffee, think about your daily routines. Do you get up and immediatly make yourself a cup of coffee? Maybe, but what does  that do? It might keep you awake for a moment, but how long does a moment really last? IT flies by and is gone. Now, let's take that moment and think about it. Here we have a piece of time. The only piece of time that matters because when it gets there, that's all the time that there is. Now, let's say that in this moment, you make yourself a cup of coffee. WAIT! We have just wasted the moment. Rewind. Now we have no coffee, and we still have the same moment. Let's do something with it. Let's go and help the lady crossing the street, or let's go and talk to the kids down the hall. Be nice to someone and pray in that moment. Now, what is better, coffee, or Heaven?! With God, heaven is the reward. With coffee? Well... not so much. Now, let's look at that moment again. By talking to those people or by helping them. You could change their lives. you could help them make a decision about something. You could even impact the future! The future of even 1000 years, so would the coffee be worth it?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Beyond the Pole

In my opinion, the media has a very warped view of todays culture. Yes, I admit that there are a lot of kids who would rather play video games and not do anything but it is the human nature to seek purpose. Everyone once and awhile questions what there purpose for being here is. Teens do this as well... and during their search, the do things. They help out at a library or something, trying to find out what they are good at and what they like doing. They help people around their communities and do new and inventive things. The media sees us all as one big blob, but we are more than that. We are more that conqueres!

This applies to everyone. Everyone can be seen by the media as worthless, but that is more because they don't knoiw us. It is very easy for someone to be sterotypical when they don't know the person. Once you get to know us though, you will se what we are. We are people who do things. Take me this past summer. I helped my aunt reorganize the whole church library. It took two days of working eight hours straight. It was fun though, and they library had never been nicer. Also, the prayer-a-thon which my sunday school class/ youth group are going to be doing. We will be praying for the people of the church and everyone and everything. That is our purpose and our difference.

We all need to do something though. We feel a compulsive need to do something and not to just sit around and do nothing. That is good. It inspires creativity, and creativity is from God. So think about it readers. What do you want to do? Do you want to sit around and play video games just like the media blames us for, or do you want to be more than conquers for Gods and do something? Think about it. I know what I am going to do though. I am going to try to get a prayer time for my family to pray for things. You could to the same! I dare you to!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Beware the Bear

Satan is always prowling like a hungry bear. If he is not after you, he is after someone else. He usually does it all at the same time though. That is bad because probably let's say, 10 peope are being temped this very second, probably 8/10 will be sucessfully tempted and lose somethign to the devil. That happens a lot and we have to guard against it. I am not without fault here. I am as much a victim as anyone. The devil is constantly barging into my prayer and reading of the bible time by giving something more interesting. He always says "this would be more interesting" or "that would be fun to do. A lot more fun than  this is." Most of the time I fall for it though. So it is really my fault. It is the devil's fault that me is tempting me, but it is my fault for giving in.

I am aware of these schemes for a simple reason. It has become a habit to skip out on prayer time and to not read the bible, and that source of the habit is Satan. That is how I know it is him. The flesh would want me not to read my bible and to do something else. That is our sinful nature...but guess who started that! Well... actually it is Adam and Eve's fault but that was before the sinful nature... but I am not going to get into that. The point is that the Devil always gives us something more interesting for us to do and we do it because our flesh it weak. That is how we know we are being tempted.

That's when the fishing holes come in. Every once in awhile, the devil comes and attacks of hangouts and what we do for fun in our free time. Those places or things are our fishing holes. The devil knows what we like doing and then he attacks us there. If it is with your friends, he tries to get you to do bad things with them. If it is in front of your computer he gives the ideas to look for bad things. Evil is all around so sometimes, we just need to change holes. Find a new place to hang out and do new things. Make it harder for him to tempt you by being in the most safe fishing hole. God's! 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Been Walked On?

The way I see it, comparing a carpet to our Christian lives and walks is a very accurate analogy. People who aren't Christians think that Christians are all hippity-hoppity happy all the time but that is not true. We act like other people and we do the same things, but we have God with us to help us. We also have God to help clean the carpets.

Cleaning the carpet is a very important thing to do. If you walk into a house and cringe because the door mat is dirty, you start making inferences about the people who live there and you feel like leaving. Most people don't like that so they think of something they can do to fix it. The obvious thing to do to make the house more welcome is to clean the carpet. So, they get the vacuum and clean it all up and the house resumes it's friendly attire. Then peopel want to come in again. This is like our Christian lives.

If people look at your Christian lives and see a dirty door mat, they aren't going to be too impressed and are probably going to walk away thinking that Christianity is just doing the same thing as them, so they walk away and never even consider it again. How can we fix that? We clean the carpet! How do we do that though? It's not like a regular vacuum will work this time, we need something with more power to do this job... and what has more power than God!!

That;s right, you have just gotten a live time guarantee that  "Jesus's Vacuuming service" will always be there when you need it. You just call him up and tell him what the problem is. Tell him all that is happening in your life and ask for forgiveness. Then "BAM!" No more dirty carpet. Suddenly all the muck is gone!

So you can see, the carpet analogy is very accurate, and it is easy to understand. We arre carpets and God is the only thing that can clean them. All you have to do it ask.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Been Choping too Hard?

In my life, I am not spenging enough time with God as I really should. I should spend an hour every day and read the bible and pray but it gets increaingly hard, and not nessecarily becuase I don't want to, or because I don't have the time. It is more because I get ditracted by worldly things and most of the time the worldly things seem a lot better and more fun than spending time with God. That is not true, but sometimes it really seems like it. I do spend time with God though. I read my bible and pray, but not as much as I would really like to.

There are lots of other Christians like that though. It is like our axes have become dull. So we need God to sharpen them for us, and the only way we can do that is by spending timw with him. We need to spend time with the Lord because without Him we are nothing but people who the world frowns upon with no real power. We have a God that can change that though. God can sharpen our axes so we no longer have to sit around and mope because no one is listening to us. We need to spend time with God so He can sharpen our axes.

My spiritual life is not as good as I would like it to be. I try to spend time with God but it is not easy. I try to pray, read the bible, listen to God and worship him, but when I do, I really should be alone and away. Away from all distractions and things that might lead me away from what I really need to do. If I were to do all those things on a regular basis, my relationship with God would be better, and it would work for you as well. So I challange you, go somewhere alone and spend time with God. No inturuptions, no ditractions, just go and be with Him.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

A Message You Can't Afford to Miss Question 3

If I recieved this e-mail from the devil today, I would be real mad at him. I don't think I would even give his the courtesy of write back to him. Wait... That's what he would want me to do. So I think I will write back to him, but not before I prayed to God to help all the people who are not christians. I would pray to God to help me and other Christians to be strong and to get more disicples for him. Then I would pray for the nonchristians so God could help them to do it. Then I would write back.
I would say
"Hi Satan,
Feeling good aren't you. Well... you can stop. I just asked God to help me be strong and not to be tempted by you. I just asked God to help the other Christians to do the same and to go out to the nations to make disicples for him. Thought I was a fool? Well you were the one who go tkicked out of heaven because you thought you would be a better god than God! So, just to let you know, no hard feelings ok? I mean it was a rotten thing that you did, but I ended up leaving so, it's all good.
Bye for now,

That is what I would say to Satan if he sent me that e-mail.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Are you in the Lord's Army?

I am very passionate about the cause of the Lord. When we go to battle I want to do the most for my Lord as to show that the enemy is nothing compared to him. I want to do what I can for the Lord is this fight but sometimes it is very hard to start. Also, there is the enemy camp who, at the beginning, just captures you. They lure you in and get you to think that maybe you too good for God and that one their side you can be better then anyone and do what ever you want. It is our human nature to want that and without God, we can't refuse it. We need to be in the Lord's  army to be able to escape the captivity. If not, we are lost forever.

I my opinion, I think that by Satan's point of view, I might be a prisoner on teh verge of escaping and rejoining my army. I try to do the things that the Lord wants we too and by that giving myself back to God and therefore escaping the Devil's claim on me. He is nothing compared to our Lord and even though he is more powerful than me or anyone else but God, God is more powerful, so why should I follow the Devil? It makes no sense. Lots of people do it though and I think that might be a reason. Peer preasure. It pulls is in and we can't have that, so we need to break free and go back to Jesus.

In the battle for the Lord, if we are a prisoner we need to get back into the fight. The one way to do that is to accept Jesus back into your life or even do it for the first time. Then you read your bible and pray and listen to God and do what he is telling you. Then you are back in teh fight on the front lines. Ready to fight, but also to take a knee in prayer. In the battle we must not be too eager to fight, nor must we be too hesitant.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ignorance is Bliss - Response

I my opinion, the video "Ignorance is Bliss" is very sad bu t it is also very real to today's world. There are people like the man who commited suicide, who we meet on the street and we say nothing to them, but if we had them might have thought beter or themselves and would not have done what they did. They might have decided that their lives were worth it and would have stayed alive.

"Ignorance is Bliss" is a very fitting title for this film and for the world in general. We are ignorant of the things and the lives of the people around us. We are totally absored and we are happy about. We are ignorant and in that ignorance we are bliss. I find that an almost sickenign thing but that does not make it any less true. We don't see the need around us and when we do, most of the time we chose to ignore is saying "Oh, it's not my problem" or "someone else will come along and do it" or "Why should I? I don't even know this person. Well, I say to you "Get to know the person. It is your responsibility. We are brothers and sisters in the Christ even if they aren't a Christian. As Cain asked God once he had killed Able, "Where is your brother?" and Cain asked him "How should I know? I am my brother's keeper?" The answer is yes. You are Cain. We are. All of us are responsible for each other to teach, to love, and to care for one another.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are You a BB Head?

In my life, I want to have a good relationship with God and praise Him and thank Him for all he has given me. It is hard sometimes though, and when it is, I am like the marbles which roll around and not do much. I do not want to be a marble and try very hard not to be a marble but it is very hard. The alternative is to be a beaker. I want to be a part of the church beaker but it is as hard to do as not being a marble. I want to be a beaker but the sinful nature which plagues me is keeping me from it. I must shake off my sinful nature to become a beaker.

As a part of the beaker or trying to be, I have to keep my beaker strong. By trying to do that, I have to fix myself and to the people around me, like in the verse in Matthew 7. I have to fix and strengthen my part in the beaker before I go fixing other people's. To fix my beaker, I would have to simply spend more time with God. I would, wait... WILL, have to read more of my bible and pray more often then I could strengthen my bit of the beaker so we will not break when we are driven into the spike of evil.

In my own way, I am contributing by doing little works for the church. In my church, I take attendance, and by doing that, I keep other people from sitting idly when they should be using their talents to serve the Lord. Also, I help clean up after communion and such so I get fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I help with the little things in my church so the big things can get done. The little things make up the big things.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Americian Idolater

In my definition, the word "rich" can either mean "has lots of money" or "has a strong and good relationship with Jesus Christ." In my opinion, the second one is better then the first. The word "poor" for me means "is not in possesion of money which is needed to meet needs" or "does not have a relationship with Christ." So by my second definitions of the words, it is possible ot be rich and poor at the same time. You can have money but not Christ, and in my opinion, you are missing the better part of the deal.

My investments in the kingdom of God is my relationship with his son. Up in heaven, nothing else matters. In heasen, God probably couldn't care less if you owned a red sports car or a blue sports car on earth, for him all that matters is you are there and safe and you believe. Everyone invests something in the kingdom of God, weither it is hate for love or bitterness or joy we all have some feeling towards God and heaven. My investment is my relationship with him and the joy I have in it.

After reading this story though, I think I need to change my definition of the words "rich" and "poor." To be rich or poor has nothing to do with money or all the possesions and things that we want and have, it is what we have for Christ and the kingdom of heaven. "Rich" and "poor" are not words that talk about the amount of money you have. In God's eyes, that is unimportant. What is important to him should be important to us and our faith and belief is what is important to him. Not our money.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amazing Grace

I think that one thing in my life that needs to step down so God can step up is all the little things I spend my time doing when I should be reading my bible and praying. The things like that are my video games, my homework that I think is too important to stop on, my computer, and even my books. I need to give myself limits in that and set apart a time to do that and to be with our lord. I need to stop being immorsed in the earthly things and to spend more time with God. I need to give up my little past times.

Spiritual pride is everywhere. There are people who are so much victims of spiritual pride that they even forget about the reason for it. They disregard God and think nothing of him. They throw him away and forget all the things that he has done for us. We reject him. I am somewhat of a victim to this. Sometimes I believe that whatever I do God will forgive me and there is no reason for restraint and I don't correct it. I need God and I need to get rid of this pride.

I deserve God's grace. There is no exception to it. Everyone needs God's grace but sometimes, we ignore it. We disregard all the implications that we even might need him and we continue on the way things are and we don't do anything to stop it. We just do bad and think God's grace will save us as it already has when we accepted him. We do not think we do things wrong now when we do. We are poisoned and we all need to think about the amazing grace that he has for us. All the time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All you need is love

In my life there are many unbelievers. There are many people who think they are too good for God. They are the "loners" in my life. They seem to be popular and cool but they are not what they seem. It is just like the bible says "Man look at outward appearances whereas God looks at the heart." It is the heart and not the outside appearnces. People can seem ok but be hurtign on the inside. They seem fine but they are not. They are the loners. Even if they don't believe in Christ they still nedd someone to be in their lives to comfort them and as Christians, it is our duty to be those people.

In my life, my circle of influence is big and small at the same time. My friends, my family, and my church are the people who influence me. They show me unconditional love so you would think that it would be easy for me to do the same, but it is not. It is hard ot show unconditional love all the time and even most of the time because it is against our human nature. It is against all we are except for the spirit. Today I was really tired and I was being cruel to one of my peers. I was not listening to him and had my nose in a book. I feel bad about it and wish to correct it but it is gone. Unconditional love is not an easy thing to have and it is an even harder thing to keep forever. We need to though. We need to keep trying to do our best and to represent Christ in our lives and to show him in the lives of others.

The unconditional love is show in my life but in the smallest possible ways. It cannot be like that. We need to at least try to show it all the time and if we fail, we ask God for help, (but you should before hand)  and if we sucseed, we are that much closer to being like God.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why We Have Rules

There are many hard lessons to be learned in life. One that I have known for awhile was inforced today. The lesson was rules. Why we have rules. We becuase we need them. Without rules everything would be chaos and crazy. Even though some rules might seem silly or you don't agree with them, we still need them. Rules also affect your jobs. If you don't obey rules you have no job. You get fired and might get sued for what you done, and go to the law. Also, if you break a law, (which is also a rule) you go to jail. If you go to jail, you get a stamp and a criminal record. That effects your future as much as getting good grades in school.

Rules are implace to protect us and to keep us safe. Especially children. Children are vulnerable and need to be protected and guided. We are the children and we ae under the rules because we aren't mature enough to take care of, or make decision by ourselves. At this age we need someone to tell us what to do and to guide us and help us make the right desicions. We need rules to help us. Also we need rules, or else we would go crazy! By doing whatever we want whenever we want, sooner or later, we will go mad. We need rules, in school, in society, and in life.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All in my family

In church with my Christian family I am most at peace than anywhere else. When I am with them I feel that God is near and that he speaks to me through them. When I am with them I feel at peace and secure. At home, kind of, but not so much.At home they are my borthers and sisters and like brothers and sisters we squable and fight and there is not as much peace in my family as there is with my family in Christ.

I think that I could ba a better family member in both homes by reaching out. Becuase, in my home, we were more or less taught to be independent. I still depend on my twin Serena a lot but other than that we are all pretty much lone- wolves. Since I learned to be like that at home, I am like that at church. I don't reach out that much to people. I talk and interact with them  but never about spiritual things. There are only two people I talk to those kinds of things with. Anyway, at church and at home I could be a better familt member by actually knowing the people and seeing them as who they are and as my family.

Since I learned to be independent at home, I don't feel the need to share my spiritual life with anyone but God, and sometimes not even him even when I really do. There are two people that I talk about it with though. Those people are, first, Brenda, the pastor's wife and secondly, Ganny Annie. They are the people who I talk to about what goes on. I feel like God talks through them to me and I feel safe and secure with them.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Story with a Point

At this moment there are lots of grudges that I could be holding but I am not. I forgive my sisters and my brothers and my family because they are not perfect and they will one day hurt me. I forgive my friends and my classmates but there is one person who I forgave, but after she did it I wanted to throw darts at her. In my grade 5 year in O.E.S. I was in the playground at lunch and a school monitor came up to me. There was nothing wrong but she thought there was and even when I told her I was fine she kept pestering me. I looked around and the class bully said I was rolling my eyes at her. Then she blaitently insulted my faith. It was really hard to forgive her but I did but I have held a bitterness towards her in my heart.

In my life I try to forgive every one who wrongs me. Some are harder to forgive than others so I need God's help to forgive. If I don't forgive others, he won't forgive me, so I always try very hard to forgive people and then forget and not hold them acccountable for the rest of their lives because it hurts me and not them. I always try to forgive others and forget that they have done and if my friend wrongs me, I can hold a grudge for about 5 minutes, and that is if it was really bad! I can't hold a grudge and that is good. I need God's help to forgive others though, so I will ask and he will help me.

There is only one pain that plauges me and right now it is what that lunch monitor said. Her words cut deeply and I don't think the pain will ever get better so I need God's help with it now. I need the Lord to help me to forgive and forget those words and live for Him. Right now the pain is those words.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Quarter For Jesus?

In My life I am a Christian and I try to show God through me but sometimes it is really hard to try to be like that. I understand that even Jesus got angry and that being angry isn't a sin and that it is easy to make a mistake but I want to do what the Lord wants. Inside myt heart is not what it is supposed to be with God but I am working on it. Most of the time I also try to show the people what I really am on the inside to show them that Christians are not always happy and such and I try to get them to see that I am working on being Christlike and they can be too. My outside and my insides are off but they try to matchup and show others what it is like to be a Christian.

In my life I try to appear the way I am to sinners and I try to show them that I am working on being a Christian and they can too but sometimes it is really hard to not act righteous, especially when you are in the presence of people who you know are doing wrong. Sometimes when people make fun of you, it is also hard not to seem righteous when you don't react or do anything. They migth think you are being high-strung and that would turn them away from God. Sometimes it is hard to not be or not seem to be righteous.

After reading this devotion I found that God was speakign to me and telling me that it is not just the big things that count but also the little things. It is the little things that show better what a Christian is. You might seem arogant to none Christians if you walk around being all "righteous" and people would turn away if you did but you have to do the little things and really care about the people and show it, then they might turn away from their evil ways and turn to God, the light of the world.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Pariot for God.

I remember my spiritual independence day. I remember it very well. I was four years old and after hearing it talked about so much I finally decided that I wanted him in my life too. So my sister and I asked our mom to help us and we sat in the livign room chair and prayed. That was when it happened. Sadly though, I am not as passionate as I was then. I wish I was and truly desire to be but I am not. I am not but one whose passions have faded and only wish them to return.

The Lord God has made a very big difference in my life. I read my bible alot and after prayer I understand it. The Lord has given me understanding because before when it was read to me I could not have cared less but now I want to learn more about it. I learned alot about prayer this past summer and about the brave women in the bible and it was very insparational. The Lord God has helped me to understand the scriptures better than I could by myself.

In my life there are lots of people who haven't heard of the Lord. Even my sister's best friend n is unbeliever. We have tried to get her to see the light of God and how dark the world really is but she is hidden from the light by the devils lies. There are many people in my life like that. My family such as my cousins and one set of grandparents know not the Lord. We try to tell them but they do not listen. They are hidden in sin.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Message You Can't Afford to Miss

I think the part of this letter that applies to me the most is when he says "I tempt a little and you fall right for it. You are so gullible." That is true. We are all gullible when it comes to sin. We have to fortify ourselves against it though. We have to learn do see only what God wants us to see and not see the devil's temptations.

The thing that I really need to change is the way I pray. I try to pray at night and at meals and to be thankful but it is very easy to slip-up and get caught up in worldly things. It is so easy toi just forget at let the world run it's course without thatnking Him and eventually, we will slip away from the savior. I need to change the way I pray and how often I pray.

This letter did speak to me. It showed me how much of a hold that the devil has on me and it gives me more of a desire to leave the worldly things behind and strive for Christ. You don't get something like this every so often so when you do it is important to seize it and to change. Change for Christ.

If I wrote a letter back to him, it would be after I changed my ways of praying and got a better relationship with Jesus. Then I would write back and defy him. I would defy his worlds and tell him the truths of the bible and scriptures of God. Then I would go and make disciples of the Lord, stealing away his victims and saving lives for the second. I would tell him off because with the Lord with me, who can stand again me?