Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Luck of the Irish

In this world there are many different Saints and important people in our past. Probably the most accomplished of these is ST. Patrick. He converted an entire nation! And he did it because God told him to. Lot's of Christians admire him for his obedience there, but we have to have the same obedience. How can we do that? Well,... we ask God. We ask Him what we should do with our lives, and then we listen. Not with our ears or any human thing but we listen to the Spirit of God who lives in us. Then we full heartedly agree and do what he asks of us. This way we are more for Christ and less of us. That's a good thing. We all need to be committed and passionate about Christ and to do it, we need to ask, and listen. Really listen.

Just like St. Patrick. He really listened to God and he did what was asked of him. I don't know if I could do what he did. Especially if it involed public speaking. I am terrified of public speaking! He wasn't though, and if he was, it didn't really matter for him because he put aside his fear and did what God asked of him. That is one thing that many of us Christians don't have. When God asks us to do something, most of us nod in agreeance and then do nothing. St. Patrick saw life for what it was. God's creation in which he lives everything and everything matters. We tend to see it as a dark world and want to have nothing to do with it.

So what would you do if God asked you to do what St. Patrick did? Would you go whole heartedly or would you stand back in the shadows and point at someone else. Kind of like Moses did, come to think of it. My pastor likes to refer to it as "Here I am Lord, send Aaron." That's kind of what the world is like. We always want to send someone else to do the work. So, back to the question. Would you go and do what he  did? I don't know if I would. It is possible to do what he did, bcause he did it!, but we need to be willing to do it.God can change the nations for Him, but he needs us to be willing to do it. Are you willing? 

1 comment:

  1. You can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you. - Philippians 4:13
