Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busyness Bashed the Believer

Busyness it not a sin, but it is a great time waster. Everything seems to take time today and everyone is so busy! We all have "super important" things to do and we ignore everything to do it. That effects everything. It effects me quite often. Instead if reading my bible and praying I sometimes find myself talking to a friend on the phone for a bit or maybe watching a movie with my sister. For me, at the time, they seem like good reasons, but neither my sister (no offense)  or my friends are more important than God. I know it and he knows it, but he sees it in a different light. He sees it like I am randomly doing anything and spending no time with Him and considering that that is the creator, that is a very bad thing. I am busy too. I have homework and little things that seem important but aren't, and everyone around me knows it.

That's one of the problems that we have to face. So what do we do about it? We take a break! We set aside an hour or two and just pray and read the bible and listen to God. You have to do this alone though. If you do it with someone else, you are sure to get distracted. Maybe you could do it with two but you would have to be very focused. Well, the point is, you have to listen to God. It is kind of like a coffee break from the world. And believe me, every now and then, we all need a cup of coffee.

Speaking of coffee, think about your daily routines. Do you get up and immediatly make yourself a cup of coffee? Maybe, but what does  that do? It might keep you awake for a moment, but how long does a moment really last? IT flies by and is gone. Now, let's take that moment and think about it. Here we have a piece of time. The only piece of time that matters because when it gets there, that's all the time that there is. Now, let's say that in this moment, you make yourself a cup of coffee. WAIT! We have just wasted the moment. Rewind. Now we have no coffee, and we still have the same moment. Let's do something with it. Let's go and help the lady crossing the street, or let's go and talk to the kids down the hall. Be nice to someone and pray in that moment. Now, what is better, coffee, or Heaven?! With God, heaven is the reward. With coffee? Well... not so much. Now, let's look at that moment again. By talking to those people or by helping them. You could change their lives. you could help them make a decision about something. You could even impact the future! The future of even 1000 years, so would the coffee be worth it?

1 comment:

  1. Excellent thoughts written down with such ease and flow. Thank you for sharing.
