Tuesday, November 15, 2011


There are many different aspects of my life. Some are easy to talk about and others, not so much. God knows about each and every one of them though. If that is true, then why do we Christians seem to believe that God is only looking at certain things in our lives, the good things? Christians seem to think that since God loves us, he forgives us of our sins and forgets, and this is true, but they also end up thinking that God doesn't look at the things they do bad. They seem to divide their lives into two different categories. The "Spiritual" and the "Non-Spiritual" sides. The "Spiritual" side is the one that they spend with God, learned and talkign to him, and praying and reading the bible. The "Non-Spiritual" side is everything else. We all have both sides but I think we need to change the names and do somehting else. I think we should call them, "Time with God in the right," and "Everything else that's bad!" Entertainment and other things aren't nessecarily bad, but God knows what we do. We can't hide from him.

 As it says in Genisis, "And God created man in his own image." That it pretty deep stuff. We are created in the image of God!! We were created period! And all he wants back is from us to know and love him! Good deal eh? Well, what do we do with that life which he gave us? Most of us squarder in for not even half of what it was worth! We are cheating ourselves and God in this! It says many times in the bible that we should obey God! We all find that hard to do, but we need to seriously work on it.

One way to do that it to read the bible more! We need to study the bible and to read the words of God, for how can we be his followers if we know not his own words!! We need to spend more time with our "Daddy" and really get to know him. A great way to do that is to read the bible and apply it!

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