Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Been Walked On?

The way I see it, comparing a carpet to our Christian lives and walks is a very accurate analogy. People who aren't Christians think that Christians are all hippity-hoppity happy all the time but that is not true. We act like other people and we do the same things, but we have God with us to help us. We also have God to help clean the carpets.

Cleaning the carpet is a very important thing to do. If you walk into a house and cringe because the door mat is dirty, you start making inferences about the people who live there and you feel like leaving. Most people don't like that so they think of something they can do to fix it. The obvious thing to do to make the house more welcome is to clean the carpet. So, they get the vacuum and clean it all up and the house resumes it's friendly attire. Then peopel want to come in again. This is like our Christian lives.

If people look at your Christian lives and see a dirty door mat, they aren't going to be too impressed and are probably going to walk away thinking that Christianity is just doing the same thing as them, so they walk away and never even consider it again. How can we fix that? We clean the carpet! How do we do that though? It's not like a regular vacuum will work this time, we need something with more power to do this job... and what has more power than God!!

That;s right, you have just gotten a live time guarantee that  "Jesus's Vacuuming service" will always be there when you need it. You just call him up and tell him what the problem is. Tell him all that is happening in your life and ask for forgiveness. Then "BAM!" No more dirty carpet. Suddenly all the muck is gone!

So you can see, the carpet analogy is very accurate, and it is easy to understand. We arre carpets and God is the only thing that can clean them. All you have to do it ask.

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