Wednesday, November 30, 2011

You Can Be Famous

Fame is a thing that many people of this Earth aspire to. Everyone wants to be noticed and to have friends and to be popular, and they think they can find that in fame. But let me ask you a question: How many people have real friends when they are famous? How many famous people are remembered after 20 years of their deaths? Not many, so what is the point of being famous hear when you can be famous in a much better place.

Fame in this world in another word for being great, so, how would you like to be great in heaven? A lot eh? Well, there is one catch. That is: Instead of being famous here on this Earth, you have to be a servant. A servant which serves everyone without complaint or even a bad thought about it. On this Earth we must serve gracefully and live for God. There is on other way to be famous in heaven.

How do we do it though? Being a servant of God is more than continually praying to him and admiring him, alought we should =, but we also have to take action. If God asks you to do something, you would do it right? Well, we have to be like that to the people all around us. How? We have to serve them with the power of God to help us. Without Him, we will trash the service and be lost in sin forever, Not to happy eh? We need to serve people better with Him to help us. I can think of something that he can help me with to help my service. Submission. WE need to submit to God before he can work with us, and that is hard enough, but submitting to humans who we see as no better or worse than ourselves, it is no easy thing.

We are at His grace and mercy when it comes to this. Without Him we would burn in Hell forevermore and I don't want to end up like that, so what do we do? We need to follow Him into service as Jesus served us by taking away our sins. We need His grace to do it though because without him we are nothing. We also need to show grace to the people we are serving though. We need to show grace to the people who we serve but we also need to love them. Not "love" as in romantic, but "love" as in friendship. We need to love those we need in friendship. Our hearts must pour the love out to the people just as they also need to pour out the grace. We need to be "full of grace and generated by love."

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