Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Dog Faced

There are many different kinds of people. Some are happy people and some are sad people. We all walk around and spread our feelings with others though. Some people make sad peopel happy and others make happy people sad. If God was with us though, which face would he have? I am voting happy, and when God is happy, doesn't that mean that we should be happy too? So, we should be happy and spread our joy just as God. We should be like the happy dog in the story.

I want to be like the happy dog!! Most of the time I am not though. Most of the time I am the sad dog with a sad reflection, and I do not reflect the love and the power of God. I just mull around making people sad. Especially when I get home from school. I get grumpy and make other people grumpy with my sad spirit. :(

This is not how the children of God should be though. We should be happy all the time and show God's love. Who cares if peopel think you're crazy? Would you rather be depicted as crazy or burn in the fires of Hell for eternity? Me? I think I would rather be crazy. How about you? How would peopel react if you told them that you were a child of God? All my friends don't mind, but they are God's children too, but others who are not as close, they tend to pick on me and berate me. They do not believe me and spit at me for mine own beliefs.

It says in the bible though, that if we are believers we will be persecuted, and twhen the end days come, it will be alot more than just being called a few names. The people who call us those names though, they do not understand. They do not know God, and it is our job to tell them of Him. We must speak to them with the Holy Spirit to guide us. We must show the Spirit to them. How do you show the Spirit to the people around you? I try to do it with my words and the boldness that the Lord God has given me and with all the talents and gifts He has bestowed upon me. What about you?

Challange: I challange any who read this to spread the love of God to everyone you meet and to show that there is someone who loves them and who cares. Let the Lord's love and glory shine through you.

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