Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christians of Courage and Compassion

As followers of Christ, courage and compassion should be some major things at the top of our ptiority list. It says in the bible to help those in need and usually when we do this, compassion comes into the picture. Courage pops in when mustering the strenght to do it. But what about the ultimate sacrific? Giving up your life for someone is the ultimate example of compassion and courage, just like we read about in the story. Would you be able to do that? Give up your life for others?
It says in the bible that this is what we should do, but how many are really up to it? I don't think I would. What about for Christ? He did it for you.

And then we have fear. :(
Fear pushes us into not doing things that we know we should. Say you write a moving speech but you have really bad stage fright. The world really needs this speech, but you are too scared to do it. What then? Courage!!! Those are the times when we must ask God for the courage to do it.
Fear really gets in the way though. So what do we do? WE have to ask God to help us overcome our fears. Because these are the fears that are of the devil. The speech needs to be heard to spread the word of God! And are you really going to let fear get in the way?
I don't know about you but I am not going to let it.

Speaking of fear... do you think that guy in the story, Todd Beamer was scared? I think so, and if I were him, I would be scared to!! Would I have done it though? Would I have given up my life to save the lives of others. Jesus did it. He did it in a much more important way though, in a way that we could never dream or even hope to match. What would you do?
I hope I would be able to do it, what about you?

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