Wednesday, January 11, 2012


There are many people in this Earth who are afraid to ask questions. Not only questions about church and God and the bible, but about everyday things. I have been asking around at my church and such if a turtle is a reptile or and anphibian but I keep getting different answers. This will happen. Lots of people willl have different answers to the same question according to their opinion, but this should not shake you from asking questions. One of the biblical questions that I have is "since God is in Jesus and Jesus is in God as it says in the book of John, why doesn't Jesus know when he is to return?" also if God knew man would sin and pretty much destroy the earth, why did he create it? These are questions that I have. They are not threatening to anyone, they are just genuine questions.

Some people disapprove of this though. Some people think that asking a question that might challange or even appear to challange God is a sin. I do not believe this is true. I think that each question is important to God and that he is delighted when we ask questions. God created us and he loves it when we learn, so why wouldn't we be able to ask a question to the creator?

There are some people in this world that  would think I am atrosious for even proposing that this might be possible and that is what they believe, but I believe that asking questions are very important for us to do. Sometimes, people ask me about it and í tell them what í just wrote here, I think God likes it when he ask questions and that they should. They shouldn't ask questions that are insulting to God but we should ask questions that shall increase our learning. It is important. I can prove to be a problem though, because sometimes, they ask questions that should be asked to God. They also ask them to me! That is a fatal mistake mainly because I don't know the answers and will give a wrong answer. Sometimes the questions are simple that I can answer such as, "Why did Jesus die?" To that I answer "He died becuase we have sinned and God loved us so much so he sent Jesus as a way out for us to die on the cross and give us a way." There are questions I can answer and questions I can't.

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