Thursday, January 12, 2012


As Christians, the Holy Spirit is a very important part of our lifestyles and our lives ingeneral. When we accept Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in us. This is love. Love from Jesus and love from the Holy Spirit. Love from Jesus for sending the Holy Spirit, because without Him, we would continually do bad things and never try or even want to foloow God's will. And love on the part of the Holy Spirit to come and live in us and know us fully and completely when to most peopel that is a fightening concept. This is love. How would you feel if someone loved you like that? I feel special. I appreciate that someone would do that for me to help me and to teach me things and it is nice to know that there is someone who does.

And with the Holy Spirit in us, that gives us a direct line to talk with Jesus. Jesus knows all about us and in our troubles and dark times, He is there with us waiting for us to call to him so he can come and help us. That, for me, is definatly reassuring. To have the Creator of everything come to help and who is waitign to help whenever I need it is definatly reassuring. With that said, how does this reassuring come into play when I need help? That is an easy one. You call unto the Lord and he will hear you and bring aid to you. He will help you when you call. So, why not call? 

God loves us so much that when Jesus died on the cross, we all gained the right to be called the "Sons and Daughters of God." That is a big title, but unlike the title "King or Queen" it doesn't mean we have to be all fancy and treat others lower than ourselves. On the contrary, it means we have to put ourselves lower than others so that they can know Jesus too. Jesus loves us more that we will ever know, and in that we can see how much God cares. God loves and cares for us more than anything else and he knows everythign that we are. He created us and loves us more than we even know, and how do we return this love? It says in the bible to "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and ming and soul and strength." This is the greatest commandment and this is how we should show our love to Him. To love Him with all we have in us.

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