Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I'm a Loser Baby

Being a "loser" in the eyes of the world is a very easy thing to do. If you wear the wrong things, or say somehting that peopel don't like to hear or give to the poor or something, you are considered to be a "loser." The world isn't everything though. There is something a whole lot better than the world, and that is Jesus. Having said that Jesus is better, what would Jesus say to the same situation. I guarantee that he wouldn't call you a "loser" I don't even think that word is in His vocabulary but I am fairly sure that He would say "Back off World. You have no hold on them because they ae mine and they are beautiful, loved, and prescious in my eyes." The world would scoff at this, and keep trying to persude you to become a "winner" for the world or just stay a loser. To be a winner in the world is to be rich and famous and have everything for yourself, but didn't Jesus say "Blessed are those that have few for they will be given much"? Think about it. Who is it better to be a winner for?

Having said that, what is considered a "winner" in the eyes of God? Well, I'm not going to presume I know what God you say about it but to me being a winner for God... is like what Jesus did. You help the poor and the needy and spread God's word and bring other peopel to the Lord. This won't get you into Heaven, and asking Him to come and be your savior is definatly part of being a "winner" for God, but I think being a winner involes helping peopel and teaching them the ways of the Lord.

After that, can I ask a question. How do you feel when you d things like that? Probably good inside. But what if you are having the most rotten day in teh world where everything just seems to be going wrong? How do you feel then? Well, what if you were on a team of somesort and you had the biggest game ever and the other team was really strong and really good, and you knew you were just going to get killed. Then suddenly, Jesus comes and joins your team and turns it into a massacre for the other team. How would you feel then. A bad day which suddenly turns into a good day beyond belief. I feel great after days like that. As if nothing could be better. What about you?

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