Friday, January 20, 2012

I bet you didn't even know you were corrupt

Interesting point of view Pastor Paul. I agree with it none the less. We are being influenced at every turn and corner in our lives by every single person we meet. Even peopel we just pass by on the street. We are mostly influenced by the poeple whom we intereact with but there is still influence. We don't really have a say in that though. We are influenced by people all around us, espicially commercials and things on Tv and on the radio. WE hear and see things that in years past would not be allowed to be discussed, and we talk about and even do things that would be frowned upon and regected in years long gone. It is all okay though now, and I find that very disturbing. Our society has been changed and molded to suit the world's views more and more and now we are feeding those views directly to the children of the world and they do not know it is wrong so they have no protection against it. Influence is all over the place, and it is not nessecarily good. Most of the time it is negative.
We also have the factor of friendship though. Have you ever really studied your friends when they are talking to you? Just to see hoe they react to certain things? What do they even talk about? Do they talk about things that would be pleasing to God? If not cna I ask you a question? Why are they your friends. The Lord said in the bible that you should not be unequally yoked. I know that this verse is talking about marriage and that you should not marry an unbeliever, but what if you applied it to friends? How many friends would you have left if you did? PRobably not as many.
I am not tellign you that friends are bad or that you should only have christian friends, the lord God told us that we need to to love all and try to bring everyone to Him but we must not let our characters  be changed by those who have yet to believe.

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