Friday, January 13, 2012

Devil Got Your Tongue?

The triple filter is a very interesting point of view. It is a good way to see if something is really worth saying but also if you should say it. There are many things that should not be said, and if everyone used the triple filter the world would be a lot different. Lots of mean and negative things would not be said and many things that are said just in boredom who not be said for the sake of hearing one's on voice. The world would be a much different place if everyone used truth, goodness, and usefulness (the triple filter) to filter their conversations.Most peopel though, would not give this any thought. They would still say negative things about friends and the world would continue to be lost. What if we did though? What if I do it, and you do it, and someone else does it, and soon, everyone is doing it! Wouldn't that be cool? What if you did? Think of a conversation in which you didn't use the filter and then add it in. I've had one of these conversations with a friend of mine. I said that she could be bossy and mean sometimes and sometimes she was downright nasty. What if I filtered this though? Let's see...1.  It was true, my friend can be like that sometimes, but more times than not, they is not like that. 2. What I sais about my friend swasn't very good, so I would have failed in the second coloum, and 3. it wasn't neither useful nor nessecary to anything related to anything when I said it, so I would have failed the filter. With only 1 point right, accorsing to the filter this conversation should never have happened and in reality, it shouldn't.

This can prove a problem for us sometimes though. Sometimes, peopel are scared or ashamed of what they have said or done and they find it hard to ask for forgiveness or talk about it. This also sometimes plagues me. If I say something about one of my friends, it is hard to tell them what I did or said. It is very hard to face your friends and family if you talk about them and it can really be hurting for them and even ruin your friendships. it still happened though, so you have to go back and make it right.

Having said that, what would Christ say about it? If you could see Him standing beside you, would you say that same things? Well, He is you know. He is with you all the time and you can never run away from him. He is everywhere. So, does what you say want to be hidden from God, or are you ok with him hearing it? Many peopel don't have the same conversations if they think about it that way. What about you though? When you talk do you show that you have Christ in you? I try but it is hard because our human nature tells us to be mean and gruesome but we have to ignore than and do what Jesus wants us to do. We have to show Christ though everything we do and say. It is very hard and most peopel struggle with it. Especially me. I try to show Jesus through what Í say and do but it is hard and it is not easy to do. It even can be embarassing for us because of what other peopel think. It doesn't depend on them though. It depends on God.

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