Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christian life: Flat as a pancake?

Christian life may seem easy for some people, but it is hard for everyone. It is never easy to leave everything you have and follow a God that you can't see. It is hard to leave everything behind. And this is the excuse of most Christians. They all have all the "God" paraphanalia with the fish on the bumber and the braclects that say WWJD but do they really live it? What's the point of having it if you don't live it? And if you don't live it, do you really have it?

Like the story in the article, Christians tend to act as Kevin did. We say "You! You be Jesus today!" And it keeps going on like this until everyone expects everyone else to be Jesus. Out of Kevin and Ryan, Kevin wanting a pancake and claiming it by getting his brother to be "Jesus" and Ryan wanting it but excepting the second pancake, which one would you be? As a whole, Christians tend to be Kevin. We all try to be Ryan but we are really Kevin. I aspire to being Ryan, but in reality, I am Kevin... and that is desturbing.

There are certain situations which can tip our judgement and decisions about being or not being "Jesus" though. If something we really want is at stake we will push everything else aside and rush ahead to be Kevin and to leave the Ryans to be "Jesus." If it is something we don't particularily care about though, we tend to pretend to be the "Righteous one" and let the other one be Kevin as we play Ryan. We have to always be Ryan though, not only when we don't want or feel like being Kevin.

This applies to be too. Especially for books. I am an avid reader and there are two books which both my sister and I seriously want to read. We haven't gotten them yet, but I do believe that we both will push to be Kevin and since she is the younger one and sees me as the "Alpha" out of the two of us, she will probably relent. This has to change though. I have to curbs my desires for what I want and step down and let her have them. These are the kinds of things that I need help with from God, and without God in on it, the equation is like, 60 against 0. My desires being 60 and me falling in with the 0. The equation would change though if you add God. It would then look more like, 10000000000000000000000 (infinity) to .5. You get the picture right? Compare the odds and take a guess at who is who in this equation. Without Him, we are nothing, but things change drastically when he is on our side.

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