Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Christian Cover Ups

There is alot of pressure on Christians today because of fitting in. Everyone wants to fit in, but most Christians try to fit in with the wrong groups. The cool groups. That is wrong for a Christian though because most cool groups tend to shame Christ. So what do the Christians do about it? Well, they might try to defend Him and then get kicked out or they might just do what lots of other people do.They might just put up masks.

The masks are the things that we think hide us from God. We feel like we can do anything and no one will know that it is us. God knows of course, but the masks seem to make us feel better about it. Almost all Christians have masks but it is not a good thing. I have a mask to. I call it the "Invisible faith" mask. The "invisible faith" mask is one in which you believe in Christ and yet you don't show him. You read your bible and you pray but you don't let anyone ever see you. You might share His word on the rare occasion but usually you will live your spiritual life in silence. That is the kind of mask I have and it is pretty popular.

Pretty popular with the people that is. With God,... not so much. God wants us to never be ashamed of Him and to always proclaim him to the nations. It says in His word, "If you are ashamed of me, I will be ashamed of you." We don't want that. We want God to be proud of us while we are humble in our deeds. We want him to say "Well done my good and faithful servant. Welcome into thine rest." That is the kind of thing we want. He wouldn't be very proud of our masks though so what do we do about it?

That answer can vary. It really depends on what mask you are wearing, for me, I wear the "invisible faith" mask, so how can I get rid of it? Well, I can, most importantly, ask God to help me. We can do nothing without Christ so the first thing we need to do is get His help on this. We need to ask Him to help us to share our fath and to make it visible ot the people around us and not just stuff it in our pockets when people on the street walk by. As my pastor says "If being a Christian was against the law, would there be enough evidence to convict you?" With the "Invisible faith" mask on, there wouldn't be.

That's why we need to ask God to help us change that. We need His help to get sent to the worldly prison so we can roam heaven free when that day comes.

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