Friday, October 7, 2011

Are you in the Lord's Army?

I am very passionate about the cause of the Lord. When we go to battle I want to do the most for my Lord as to show that the enemy is nothing compared to him. I want to do what I can for the Lord is this fight but sometimes it is very hard to start. Also, there is the enemy camp who, at the beginning, just captures you. They lure you in and get you to think that maybe you too good for God and that one their side you can be better then anyone and do what ever you want. It is our human nature to want that and without God, we can't refuse it. We need to be in the Lord's  army to be able to escape the captivity. If not, we are lost forever.

I my opinion, I think that by Satan's point of view, I might be a prisoner on teh verge of escaping and rejoining my army. I try to do the things that the Lord wants we too and by that giving myself back to God and therefore escaping the Devil's claim on me. He is nothing compared to our Lord and even though he is more powerful than me or anyone else but God, God is more powerful, so why should I follow the Devil? It makes no sense. Lots of people do it though and I think that might be a reason. Peer preasure. It pulls is in and we can't have that, so we need to break free and go back to Jesus.

In the battle for the Lord, if we are a prisoner we need to get back into the fight. The one way to do that is to accept Jesus back into your life or even do it for the first time. Then you read your bible and pray and listen to God and do what he is telling you. Then you are back in teh fight on the front lines. Ready to fight, but also to take a knee in prayer. In the battle we must not be too eager to fight, nor must we be too hesitant.

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