Friday, September 16, 2011

Why We Have Rules

There are many hard lessons to be learned in life. One that I have known for awhile was inforced today. The lesson was rules. Why we have rules. We becuase we need them. Without rules everything would be chaos and crazy. Even though some rules might seem silly or you don't agree with them, we still need them. Rules also affect your jobs. If you don't obey rules you have no job. You get fired and might get sued for what you done, and go to the law. Also, if you break a law, (which is also a rule) you go to jail. If you go to jail, you get a stamp and a criminal record. That effects your future as much as getting good grades in school.

Rules are implace to protect us and to keep us safe. Especially children. Children are vulnerable and need to be protected and guided. We are the children and we ae under the rules because we aren't mature enough to take care of, or make decision by ourselves. At this age we need someone to tell us what to do and to guide us and help us make the right desicions. We need rules to help us. Also we need rules, or else we would go crazy! By doing whatever we want whenever we want, sooner or later, we will go mad. We need rules, in school, in society, and in life.

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