Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All in my family

In church with my Christian family I am most at peace than anywhere else. When I am with them I feel that God is near and that he speaks to me through them. When I am with them I feel at peace and secure. At home, kind of, but not so much.At home they are my borthers and sisters and like brothers and sisters we squable and fight and there is not as much peace in my family as there is with my family in Christ.

I think that I could ba a better family member in both homes by reaching out. Becuase, in my home, we were more or less taught to be independent. I still depend on my twin Serena a lot but other than that we are all pretty much lone- wolves. Since I learned to be like that at home, I am like that at church. I don't reach out that much to people. I talk and interact with them  but never about spiritual things. There are only two people I talk to those kinds of things with. Anyway, at church and at home I could be a better familt member by actually knowing the people and seeing them as who they are and as my family.

Since I learned to be independent at home, I don't feel the need to share my spiritual life with anyone but God, and sometimes not even him even when I really do. There are two people that I talk about it with though. Those people are, first, Brenda, the pastor's wife and secondly, Ganny Annie. They are the people who I talk to about what goes on. I feel like God talks through them to me and I feel safe and secure with them.

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