Thursday, September 29, 2011

Are You a BB Head?

In my life, I want to have a good relationship with God and praise Him and thank Him for all he has given me. It is hard sometimes though, and when it is, I am like the marbles which roll around and not do much. I do not want to be a marble and try very hard not to be a marble but it is very hard. The alternative is to be a beaker. I want to be a part of the church beaker but it is as hard to do as not being a marble. I want to be a beaker but the sinful nature which plagues me is keeping me from it. I must shake off my sinful nature to become a beaker.

As a part of the beaker or trying to be, I have to keep my beaker strong. By trying to do that, I have to fix myself and to the people around me, like in the verse in Matthew 7. I have to fix and strengthen my part in the beaker before I go fixing other people's. To fix my beaker, I would have to simply spend more time with God. I would, wait... WILL, have to read more of my bible and pray more often then I could strengthen my bit of the beaker so we will not break when we are driven into the spike of evil.

In my own way, I am contributing by doing little works for the church. In my church, I take attendance, and by doing that, I keep other people from sitting idly when they should be using their talents to serve the Lord. Also, I help clean up after communion and such so I get fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I help with the little things in my church so the big things can get done. The little things make up the big things.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Americian Idolater

In my definition, the word "rich" can either mean "has lots of money" or "has a strong and good relationship with Jesus Christ." In my opinion, the second one is better then the first. The word "poor" for me means "is not in possesion of money which is needed to meet needs" or "does not have a relationship with Christ." So by my second definitions of the words, it is possible ot be rich and poor at the same time. You can have money but not Christ, and in my opinion, you are missing the better part of the deal.

My investments in the kingdom of God is my relationship with his son. Up in heaven, nothing else matters. In heasen, God probably couldn't care less if you owned a red sports car or a blue sports car on earth, for him all that matters is you are there and safe and you believe. Everyone invests something in the kingdom of God, weither it is hate for love or bitterness or joy we all have some feeling towards God and heaven. My investment is my relationship with him and the joy I have in it.

After reading this story though, I think I need to change my definition of the words "rich" and "poor." To be rich or poor has nothing to do with money or all the possesions and things that we want and have, it is what we have for Christ and the kingdom of heaven. "Rich" and "poor" are not words that talk about the amount of money you have. In God's eyes, that is unimportant. What is important to him should be important to us and our faith and belief is what is important to him. Not our money.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Amazing Grace

I think that one thing in my life that needs to step down so God can step up is all the little things I spend my time doing when I should be reading my bible and praying. The things like that are my video games, my homework that I think is too important to stop on, my computer, and even my books. I need to give myself limits in that and set apart a time to do that and to be with our lord. I need to stop being immorsed in the earthly things and to spend more time with God. I need to give up my little past times.

Spiritual pride is everywhere. There are people who are so much victims of spiritual pride that they even forget about the reason for it. They disregard God and think nothing of him. They throw him away and forget all the things that he has done for us. We reject him. I am somewhat of a victim to this. Sometimes I believe that whatever I do God will forgive me and there is no reason for restraint and I don't correct it. I need God and I need to get rid of this pride.

I deserve God's grace. There is no exception to it. Everyone needs God's grace but sometimes, we ignore it. We disregard all the implications that we even might need him and we continue on the way things are and we don't do anything to stop it. We just do bad and think God's grace will save us as it already has when we accepted him. We do not think we do things wrong now when we do. We are poisoned and we all need to think about the amazing grace that he has for us. All the time.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All you need is love

In my life there are many unbelievers. There are many people who think they are too good for God. They are the "loners" in my life. They seem to be popular and cool but they are not what they seem. It is just like the bible says "Man look at outward appearances whereas God looks at the heart." It is the heart and not the outside appearnces. People can seem ok but be hurtign on the inside. They seem fine but they are not. They are the loners. Even if they don't believe in Christ they still nedd someone to be in their lives to comfort them and as Christians, it is our duty to be those people.

In my life, my circle of influence is big and small at the same time. My friends, my family, and my church are the people who influence me. They show me unconditional love so you would think that it would be easy for me to do the same, but it is not. It is hard ot show unconditional love all the time and even most of the time because it is against our human nature. It is against all we are except for the spirit. Today I was really tired and I was being cruel to one of my peers. I was not listening to him and had my nose in a book. I feel bad about it and wish to correct it but it is gone. Unconditional love is not an easy thing to have and it is an even harder thing to keep forever. We need to though. We need to keep trying to do our best and to represent Christ in our lives and to show him in the lives of others.

The unconditional love is show in my life but in the smallest possible ways. It cannot be like that. We need to at least try to show it all the time and if we fail, we ask God for help, (but you should before hand)  and if we sucseed, we are that much closer to being like God.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Why We Have Rules

There are many hard lessons to be learned in life. One that I have known for awhile was inforced today. The lesson was rules. Why we have rules. We becuase we need them. Without rules everything would be chaos and crazy. Even though some rules might seem silly or you don't agree with them, we still need them. Rules also affect your jobs. If you don't obey rules you have no job. You get fired and might get sued for what you done, and go to the law. Also, if you break a law, (which is also a rule) you go to jail. If you go to jail, you get a stamp and a criminal record. That effects your future as much as getting good grades in school.

Rules are implace to protect us and to keep us safe. Especially children. Children are vulnerable and need to be protected and guided. We are the children and we ae under the rules because we aren't mature enough to take care of, or make decision by ourselves. At this age we need someone to tell us what to do and to guide us and help us make the right desicions. We need rules to help us. Also we need rules, or else we would go crazy! By doing whatever we want whenever we want, sooner or later, we will go mad. We need rules, in school, in society, and in life.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

All in my family

In church with my Christian family I am most at peace than anywhere else. When I am with them I feel that God is near and that he speaks to me through them. When I am with them I feel at peace and secure. At home, kind of, but not so much.At home they are my borthers and sisters and like brothers and sisters we squable and fight and there is not as much peace in my family as there is with my family in Christ.

I think that I could ba a better family member in both homes by reaching out. Becuase, in my home, we were more or less taught to be independent. I still depend on my twin Serena a lot but other than that we are all pretty much lone- wolves. Since I learned to be like that at home, I am like that at church. I don't reach out that much to people. I talk and interact with them  but never about spiritual things. There are only two people I talk to those kinds of things with. Anyway, at church and at home I could be a better familt member by actually knowing the people and seeing them as who they are and as my family.

Since I learned to be independent at home, I don't feel the need to share my spiritual life with anyone but God, and sometimes not even him even when I really do. There are two people that I talk about it with though. Those people are, first, Brenda, the pastor's wife and secondly, Ganny Annie. They are the people who I talk to about what goes on. I feel like God talks through them to me and I feel safe and secure with them.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Story with a Point

At this moment there are lots of grudges that I could be holding but I am not. I forgive my sisters and my brothers and my family because they are not perfect and they will one day hurt me. I forgive my friends and my classmates but there is one person who I forgave, but after she did it I wanted to throw darts at her. In my grade 5 year in O.E.S. I was in the playground at lunch and a school monitor came up to me. There was nothing wrong but she thought there was and even when I told her I was fine she kept pestering me. I looked around and the class bully said I was rolling my eyes at her. Then she blaitently insulted my faith. It was really hard to forgive her but I did but I have held a bitterness towards her in my heart.

In my life I try to forgive every one who wrongs me. Some are harder to forgive than others so I need God's help to forgive. If I don't forgive others, he won't forgive me, so I always try very hard to forgive people and then forget and not hold them acccountable for the rest of their lives because it hurts me and not them. I always try to forgive others and forget that they have done and if my friend wrongs me, I can hold a grudge for about 5 minutes, and that is if it was really bad! I can't hold a grudge and that is good. I need God's help to forgive others though, so I will ask and he will help me.

There is only one pain that plauges me and right now it is what that lunch monitor said. Her words cut deeply and I don't think the pain will ever get better so I need God's help with it now. I need the Lord to help me to forgive and forget those words and live for Him. Right now the pain is those words.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Quarter For Jesus?

In My life I am a Christian and I try to show God through me but sometimes it is really hard to try to be like that. I understand that even Jesus got angry and that being angry isn't a sin and that it is easy to make a mistake but I want to do what the Lord wants. Inside myt heart is not what it is supposed to be with God but I am working on it. Most of the time I also try to show the people what I really am on the inside to show them that Christians are not always happy and such and I try to get them to see that I am working on being Christlike and they can be too. My outside and my insides are off but they try to matchup and show others what it is like to be a Christian.

In my life I try to appear the way I am to sinners and I try to show them that I am working on being a Christian and they can too but sometimes it is really hard to not act righteous, especially when you are in the presence of people who you know are doing wrong. Sometimes when people make fun of you, it is also hard not to seem righteous when you don't react or do anything. They migth think you are being high-strung and that would turn them away from God. Sometimes it is hard to not be or not seem to be righteous.

After reading this devotion I found that God was speakign to me and telling me that it is not just the big things that count but also the little things. It is the little things that show better what a Christian is. You might seem arogant to none Christians if you walk around being all "righteous" and people would turn away if you did but you have to do the little things and really care about the people and show it, then they might turn away from their evil ways and turn to God, the light of the world.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Pariot for God.

I remember my spiritual independence day. I remember it very well. I was four years old and after hearing it talked about so much I finally decided that I wanted him in my life too. So my sister and I asked our mom to help us and we sat in the livign room chair and prayed. That was when it happened. Sadly though, I am not as passionate as I was then. I wish I was and truly desire to be but I am not. I am not but one whose passions have faded and only wish them to return.

The Lord God has made a very big difference in my life. I read my bible alot and after prayer I understand it. The Lord has given me understanding because before when it was read to me I could not have cared less but now I want to learn more about it. I learned alot about prayer this past summer and about the brave women in the bible and it was very insparational. The Lord God has helped me to understand the scriptures better than I could by myself.

In my life there are lots of people who haven't heard of the Lord. Even my sister's best friend n is unbeliever. We have tried to get her to see the light of God and how dark the world really is but she is hidden from the light by the devils lies. There are many people in my life like that. My family such as my cousins and one set of grandparents know not the Lord. We try to tell them but they do not listen. They are hidden in sin.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Message You Can't Afford to Miss

I think the part of this letter that applies to me the most is when he says "I tempt a little and you fall right for it. You are so gullible." That is true. We are all gullible when it comes to sin. We have to fortify ourselves against it though. We have to learn do see only what God wants us to see and not see the devil's temptations.

The thing that I really need to change is the way I pray. I try to pray at night and at meals and to be thankful but it is very easy to slip-up and get caught up in worldly things. It is so easy toi just forget at let the world run it's course without thatnking Him and eventually, we will slip away from the savior. I need to change the way I pray and how often I pray.

This letter did speak to me. It showed me how much of a hold that the devil has on me and it gives me more of a desire to leave the worldly things behind and strive for Christ. You don't get something like this every so often so when you do it is important to seize it and to change. Change for Christ.

If I wrote a letter back to him, it would be after I changed my ways of praying and got a better relationship with Jesus. Then I would write back and defy him. I would defy his worlds and tell him the truths of the bible and scriptures of God. Then I would go and make disciples of the Lord, stealing away his victims and saving lives for the second. I would tell him off because with the Lord with me, who can stand again me?