Tuesday, May 1, 2012

pressure and yardsticks

Pressure is a very present force in our society. Pressure comes from all sides and changes our opinions and our perspective on things. If you buy and outfit and our friend doesn't like it, there is pressure to buy somethign your friends do like. This effects everything we do.
If our friend want us to do somethign bad and we know it is bad but they really want us to do it there is a high chance that we will sucumb to their wishes and do the wrong thing. This is wrong and usually a wrong action is left with a bad feeling. It is not only your friends who put the pressure on but also parents and wants, dislikes and friends. Many things can pressure us into doing things.
It says in the bible though "I will not give you more temptation than you can handle." That means that if our friends try and pressure us with God we are always strong enough to over come that. Thjat is what we need to have in order not to do wrong or to succumb to the evil around us. We must fight against the pressure all around us that threatens to take over and go to God and get his point of views.
He is the thing that should be our standards. We should always strive to do the things that are right in his eyes even if it may be the unpopular choice or the one that distances you from you friends. We must always strive to do what is right in His eyes and not in the eyes of the world.
WE must measure oursleves according to His strandards and not the standards that are being forced upon us from all directions.
If you are measureing distance, you use a yardstick, if you are measureing a choice between good and evil, you use God's standards. We must rely on him in everything we do and in all things. He is our yardstick with good and evil and we must use Him, and not fall prey to the stardards, morales, and ideas of teh world around us.

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