Monday, April 30, 2012

Choices, situations, and problems

There are many problems in this world. Problems that are big, problems that are small. Problems that effect other people and problems that effect you. Everyone has their problems though and everyone has to make a desicion about that problem.
Such as, if you like to knit, and all the other kids in you class think it is silly to knit, do you keep knitting because you like it or do you stop knitting because you want to be liked? What happens if you stop and then forget how and later in life you need to know how to knit in a pinch but you forgot how? You could have decided to keep knitting and then still have known how.
Our lives and decisions very much depend in the opinions and the ideals of others. Your close friends especially effect what you think and how you respond to desicions. If you want to change clothes sytles and your friends disapprove of the change you are more likely to change back to stay with you friends and change your styles then to go against your friend's desicion.
Our lives depend on our friends but what happens when you have to make a desician against your friends desicions. You have to stand up what you believe in and not always go with the status quo. You have to be you own people and you don't have to be afraid because as it  says  in the bible "for you are fearfully and wonderfully made."
we were given free will by God and we do not have to depend on others for everything.

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