Monday, April 16, 2012

Parents: Honor and longlivety

Parents are a very important aspect of a young child's life. Your Parents guide and protect you, to share experiences and teach you the things you need to know to have a good, prosperous life. This is also true in the bible. In the fifth commandment it says, "Honor your mother and father so that you will live a long time in the land that God, your God, has given you."

This is the only commandment with a promise and in says that you will have a long life in the land that God has given you and all you need to do it to honor your mother and father. It might seem like something which is really hard to do and sometimes not worth doing but it is worth doing. You might not want to honor you parents but in the long run it is much better than not honoring them.

If you think about it, when do your parents ask you to do things? They might ask you to help rake leaves or do dishes or clean you room, but that isn't rocket science. Picking up socks or scrubbing a plate doesn't kill you. It might irk you for the time while you doing it because it throws you off an "extremely important" schedule but if you wash the dishes and scrub the plate you will have a lot longer time to do the things on the schedule.

Things we do in our everyday life may seem really important at the moment of doing them but it says in the bible that all things that are not of him will fall away. It says to store up your treasures in heaven. Daily things seem to lose their important when you get to heaven so if your mom or dad asks you to take out the garbage or to walk the dog, think about it, "this may seem annoying know but in the long run, is it worth it to complain?"

Parents are also here to share their experiences with us. Have you ever had a grandparent or a parent tell you stories about how this happen to them or how you should avoid that? They are sharing their knowledge with you to help prepare you for the things that you will face during life. Your parents tell stories to help you understand situations and consequences, much like Jesus did with parables. They love you and want to protect you and see that no harm comes to you.

If these are our earthly parents, and God is our heavenly father, how much more of this will He do you for?

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