Friday, April 13, 2012

Parents and perplexity

Parents. For some people (and most teens) parents are a real drag. They limit your freedom and make rules for you and keep you from doing the things you want to do. They don't let you do things that you want and theyt cramp your style. They seem like a real drag.
It doesn't sound very good like that but that is how most teens see their parents. As ristrictions instead of helpers and guides. Parents are there to protect you and even if they cramp your style you always see to get it back out again anyway.
Thatr is somethign that usually triggers us taking our parents for granted. Since they are helpers and guides and protectorates we just take them for granted. We see it as a given that there will be food, shelter, and a clean water everyday. WE don't even think about it.
What would happen if one day all the things that we take for granted suddenly weren't there though? everything would spontainiously break down and we would be like baby eagles thrown out of the nest but with no one to catch us. We would free fall and hopefully learn to fly for ourselves as the ground races towards us at breakneck speed.
What would happen if God did that to us? Suddenly He just stops looking after us and protecting us. What would happen if God let us freefall into nothingness? It is a frightening concept. God is a parent and he is there fr us. He is the best parent that there is, was, and ever will be and he won't let us fall. He will catch us and even if our parents don't seem like the best thing in teh world, he is there for us and he will catch us when we fall.

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