Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rules and Parents

Rules and parents. Both of these things are important to the growth and development of children. Both are depended on and both shape people. You always look up to your parents for guidence when you are young and you grow with that.
Rules are the things that keep youy in line. They arre well needed and they are in place to protect us and guide us.
Yoiu can tell a great many things about rules and parents though. Usually from the rules given in your house you cna deduce the values that your parents have. It can be honesty, cleanliness, politeness, and a great assortment of many things. God is also like this. That only makes up one part though, the other part is grace.
There are ten commandments that God gave us. Each there to guide adn help us and each there to show us His love and the things that He values.
One of the commandments is "Love your naighbor as yourself." This teaches us that to value other peopel more than oursleves as Jesus did.
Another is "Thou shalt not kill." This shows that he values life.
"Thou shalt not steal" implys honesty.
"Honor thy mother and father" is obidience.
The list goes on and on and there are many different values that God shows is through is love, his rules, and his grace.

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