Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mercy and God

Fact: God is the Creator. He is the Creator of the world. He created you and He created me. No one else on earth has the power to create anything. We use the things we already have hear, and we discover news things, but we never actually create anything. Electricity is lightning, and God created lightning. Technology is something that God brought about through people. It wasn't us, it was God working through us.
We don't create things and since we don't how are we supposed to know what is good and what is bad. We didn't create is fully and we don't know it fully. In the beginning we didn't know between good and evil. It was the bite from the fruit in the Garden of Eden which brought us where we are today. With the bite brought sin and with sin brought fear.
Fear is a very powerful emotion. It can bring us to do or feel something that we wouldn't ordinarily feel and it can bring us to be influenced. It says in he bible thatr God did not give the spirit of fear. Fear is not of God but it can and does control us. Other people influence us by using it.
God can take away our fear though. And when He dies, he is being graceful. Some people in this world believe that God owes us certain things in life, but in reality he doesn't. He created us, not the other way around. He loves us even when we don't deserve it. And He loved us so much, he didn't give us somehting that we do deserve. Death.
After the bite, the fall of mankind followed approxomately t minus 30 seconds before. Eve was tempted and she didn't have to go along with it, but she did. She could have just not eaten the fruit the same as Adam could have not eaten the fruit. But since we did, we all need somehting called mercy.
God showed us mercy by dying on the cross for us and he shows it to us everyday. Not because he is obligated to give it but because he loves us enough  to do it. He loves us and shows us mercy and because of gthat it is our job to show mercy to others. it says in Zecharaiah 7: 9 - 10 9 Well, the message hasn't changed. God-of-the-Angel-Armies said then and says now: "'Treat one another justly. Love your neighbors. Be compassionate with each other.10 Don't take advantage of widows, orphans, visitors, and the poor. Don't plot and scheme against one another-that's evil. 
This means we have to love each other and show mercy towars each other just as God does for us. We are to eb compassionate to one another. This is a fact.


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