Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Consequences and the right thing

Who really likes consequences? If you put that to a vote with 1 million voters, the vote would be million to none, because no one likes consequences and no one likes to get in trouble. There are consequences for everything though. Even the good things that you do.
If you break the cookie jar by accident and you tell your mom the truth that you broke it, you might still get in trouble because you broke it. You did the right thing by telling the truth but the cookie jar was still broken.
It is the same thing as when you follow God. God might bring prosperity to you and give you all good things but he also might give you bad things. "Consider "His" servant Job."
Job was a righteous man and God blessed him because of it. He lived his life for the glory of the lord and always tried to do the right thing in His eyes. God was very pleased with him. But one day Satan came into the court of angels. He told God that Job would curse Him if he took things away from Job. God knew he wouldn't, so he let Satan do things to Job.
Job was a good man and he was righteous. He walked in the Lord and did right in His eyes. Bad things happened to him though because he was being tested. He cried out to the Lord but he did not curse him. God gave Job consequences even though he was good.
Consequences are not always bad things though. Like in the story of Joseph. After he was sent to prison because of Potiphar's wife, he was still good and God blessed him. Going to jail was a consequence for something he didn't do but it was also a blessing because he eventually became the second in command for the whole kingdom.
No one likes consequences, especially if you didn't do anything wrong. Some people might be sorry that they did the right thing because of the consequences that followed, like Joseph. But is it really worth it? Why not try to change things for the better?
You will always end up in bad situations so you might as well learn from them instead of being sore about them. Two people can go through the exact same thing, but it doesn't mean that they both will come out the same way.

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