Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Showing Mercy

Mercy. Mercy is a very important part of our daily society. We are shown mercy meny times in a day and we have the opertunity to show mercy everyday. Most days we just ignore it and sometimes we don't even recognize it. Some times we are "too busy" and other days we are "in a rush." These are all reasons we use not to help the needy people in the world.
The bible said "That which you did not do for them, you did not do for me."  How would it change you opinion and your response if you saw Jesus in need. Would you help him? Lots of poeple would jump up and say yes, but would you really.
In my church, one saturday a month, people go out to the streets of montreal and give to the poor and the homeless. Many have said that it is such a blessing for them. That is showing mercy to them. The rest of the month is used to collect things like food, clothing, hygene kits, and other things that the homeless need. There is always a line up.
This is like what mother Teresa did but to a much smaller extent. Mother Teresa cared for people and she took care of them. She changed the world into a place that cared for people when before they were cast out and shunned. She opened her eyes to the poor and needy and inturn opened ours.
She did a great thing and many are hard pressed to find someone who disagrees with that. She cared for peopel and she helped them and that is what God does for us.
We were the needy and he helped us. He gave his son for us.
The pastor in my church one did a sermon on it. He help up a list with names on it. He said that these were the people that he would give his life for. He names his family and the church and friends and such. Then he held up his empty hand. "This is the list of peopel who I would give my son for" he said. There was no list.
That is how we think. Giving ourselves is one thing but what about a child or sibling. No. But that is what God did. He saw us in need and showed mercy on us. He gave his son for a world full of sinners and in the last moments of Jesus' life he had to turn away from his son because he could not look at the sin that we had.
It is hard when your father who loves you can no longer look at you. That is what happeded to Jesus. He showed mercy for us though. He didn't have to die for us. He could have left us to die just as mother Teresa could have left those peopel to die. But they didn't. They had mercy and not it is our turn to show mercy to the people that need it shown to them.
If God did it for us, are we so petty as to not do it for other?

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