Thursday, May 3, 2012

Pigs, Pilate, and the King

Pilate was the man in the bible who had the job of finding out what the prisoners did and then sentencing them. One day, Jesus was brought to him. He talked to Jesus to find out what He had done but Jesus was faultless. Then Pilate asked the peopel what to do.
In isreal there was a tradition at that time which stated that every Passover, the prisoner of the people's choosing would be set free. There also was another murder in prison named barabos. So, according to custom, Pilate went out and asked the people which prisoner they wanted to be freed for the Passover. All the priests and pharisees in the land, wanted Jesus dead so they all got the crowd to ask for Barabos instead of Jesus.
This was Pilate's mistake. In his position he had the right to let Jesus go but because Jesus was a jew Pilate asked the people. It says in the bible that Jesus is "The way, the truth and the light," and in this they trampeled him and put Him to death.
Jesus is with us every moment of everyday because he rose from the dead. Nothin can change that becuase it is a fasct and a truth, but do we really see that in our day and age? We seem to believe that Jesus died and is no longer relevant. We kind of neglect the resurrecction. And usually when we do notice Him, it is usually to say something negative and push Him away. He is the only way to go, and even though it might seem that other direction seem better for the imediate interest, they aren't.
It is like we are searching for something which is hidden, and when we finally find it, we just leave it because "it is not the right color." We neglect the way to go and the One that wants to help us, and then we blame Him for our mistakes. That hardly fair.
It also says in the bible not to throw you prescious pearls to the pigs. Teh pigs will only trample them. Well that is what we are doing. Jesus is the pearl and we are throwing Him to the world. The world is the pigs. We are throwing our only hope to the pigs and then complaining. How would you feel if that happened to you? It is happening to Jesus.

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