Thursday, May 31, 2012

biting the hand that feeds you

Have you ever hand an animal, that while you were feeding it, munched on your fingers? It was completely accidental, sometimes, but other times it is on purpose. We have the same problem as humans, but instead of having an animal bite us, it is sin.
We are sinful beings. After Adam and Eve ate the fruit in the garden we have been sinful by nature. And we feed that sin. It follows us around like a new puppy and we drop treats for our puppy by giving in to it. We give into sin and we feed it, and in the end, our little puppy is no longer a puppy.
Now our puppy is a rabid dog and it is coming back to eat us. We play with it and now it is coming to get us. It is our fault that we fed it. We let it grow and we nurtured it, but as humans, we like to pass the blame.
We pass it off to anyone, but most of the time it ends up on God. He didn't do it, but we don't like to take responsibility for our actions so we pass the blame along. So God gets blamed and even though He got rid of sin by sending Jesus to die on the cross for us, we kind of negate that fact and blame him anyway.
So, now we have sin, which we fed and is now out to get us, and we have God, who gave his son for us to get rid of sin. And what do we chose? Mostly, we choose sin.
Sin is biting the hand that feeds us but we still continue on feeding and getting bitten. God will heal and help us but we just pile on the blame. There is something not right about this picture. We get sick on purpose and then refuse the antidote.
God wants to help us but first we have to let Him. We have to stop letting sin bite us and get God to help our hands. After being bitten so much, they need it.

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