Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Fruits and their Trees

The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All of these come from the same place and with the help of God and the Holy Spirit, as Christians, we try to achieve thee things.
These fruits are important to our growth as Christians and we should be contantly trying to attain them. And just like the fruits that grow on trees, like apples and bananas, we are the trees of these fruits. And just like the trees with the bad fruit are cut, we will face the same.
God is the gardener and we are his trees. He prunes us and takes care of us and watches over us. All this is so we will produce good fruit. The good fruit which we are to produce are the fruits of the spirit.
God  gave us the Spirit to help us in our walk and to be our friend. He is contantly with us and as Jesus said, "I will  be you a with you for the rest of this age." (matthew 28:20)
These fruits are not always easy though. I myself struggle with love, joy, peace, patience, and pretty much all of them. God is helping me though and it also comes down to a choice. A choice of wanting to be joyful and a choice of wanting to be patient. Everythign in life depends on the choices of life that we make.
We are trees and it is our job to produce fruit. The bad trees which produce bad fruit will be cut down and throw into the fire. The bad fruit are the fruit like greed and selfishness. They lead to lives which are empty and full of void. There is no purpose to the lives of the wicked except for wikedness and there is no love in wickedness. Withotu love, life is empty. God is love.

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