Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Love: Easy or hard?

When you think of the word love, do you think of it as something easy, or something hard to do? How about to certain people. Do you find it easy to love you sister or brother but hard to love a peer in your class?
When you walk down the street, do you ever wonder about all the other people who are walking too? Do you ever stop to think about the other people that you pass everyday? You don't know these people and to you they are just random peopel who have nothing to do with you and who are just living their lives. But that is what catches you up. They are other people, "Living their lives."
When you think about the word life, do you only think about your life or do you think about life in gheneral, or maybe someone else's life? Many peopel would answer just their own life. This is because the human race is very selfish and conceted. WE only think about the things that can benefit and help ourselves. This is the same with love.
When you are a kid, and someone says "no" to something you want to do, you might just walk up to them, kick them and yell "I hate you!"  You don't really but you are mad. When you get older, you just complain about them on the internet but the principle is still there. That is not loving someone.
To love someone is to be in the same situaton and except it with a smile. You might thank them for consideration, or just smile polietly. Even though things didn't go your way you still have to be nice. This applies to all things.
God tells us to love our enemies. Have you ever had a kid in school that was constantly picking on you? You really wanted to get them back for all thin things they have done to you, but you remember that God wants you to love them and you don't? That is hard to do. It says in the bible that not returning something they did to you is like pile hot coals on their heads, and that revenge belongs to the Lord. He will teach them in his own time, not ours.
We need to love the peopel around us, even the peopel who we don't know. WE can't onlhy love the peopel who are nice to us or who love us because everyone does that. We need to do what God tells us and even love those who persecute us. 

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