Friday, March 2, 2012

Who let the dogs out?

Being a Christian is a big responsibility. We are the ones who have to show the peopel of this lost world the way to Jesus. That is a big job. And He is the one who leads us and helps us to show those people the love of God, but can I ask you a question (besides the one I just asked)? When you serve God to please Him, is it because of guilt because all the things that he did for you, or is it because of grace because he loves and died for you? For me, the answer is grace. Jesus loved me so much that he would die for me so that I could live and I will serve Him.

Indirectly, this bring up another question. When you serve God, are you doing by yourself? Are you trying to spread the Word of Gof by yourself? Because I will  tell you right now, you will fail. The Holy Spirit is in enabler and you need Him to help you. I weord for God with the help of the Holy Spirit. I asked him to come live in me and now we are buddies. I rely on Him to help me through the trials and to help me spread the word about him.

Now that we have that covered, we have to work on the mission field. In my church before it got painted, there use to be a sign over the door on the inside that said "You are now entering the mission field." This is true. There are many christians who think that the church is the mission field but when God cam into the worl, he preached in the towns and the countries to teh people, but not to the people in teh church. He siad to the Parisees "Why would you heal the ones who are not sick?" He is saying, why preach tot eh peopel who know the word? We are supposed to spred the word with the people who do not know him. Do you have people in your life who needs to hear the word of God? I do. I have friends and Family who need to to hear the word of God and it is my job to help them hear. By the Grace of God. 

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