Thursday, March 22, 2012

Deep Dive 14 - Ruth

I do not know anyone who feels completely isolated from everyone, but I do know people who need a friend. Usually the people who need friends are the ones that the worl sees as outcasts, but God loves them so He puts people in their lives to be their friends. Most of the time, that peson is you. I know people like that and I know there is someone who needs it but there is fear that stands in the way. In almost evrything you are asked to do, fear will stand in the way and try to prevent you from doing it. Especially when God asks you to do somehting.

This was also true for Naomi of the bible. Naomi felt isolated but God sent Ruth to her to go with her and to stop the isolation. We must all be like Ruth and say yes to God so when there is someone like Naomi, she will not feel isolated and alone but she will have a friend and someone to depend on. If there is a Naomi in your life, go and be their Ruth, for the bible says "I was lost and you accepted me".

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