Friday, March 16, 2012

Saying "No" to the Holy Spirit

The word 'no' is a very simple word. It is made up of two letters, N and O. They are even right beside each other in the Alphabet. The word "no" cna be a very dangerous word though. If you say it to anyone a whole string on consiquences are likely to follow. Especially if you say it to God.

Saying 'no' to God is somethign that we do on a regular basis, wether we are christians or not. We always try to say "yes" and sometimes we say no without even noticing, but we all use the word no. This is very dangerous water we are treading though. We say no and then ask why there are bad things happening. Here is an example.  Say you had a cookie tin, and in that cookie tin was your favorite kind of cookie. It is before supper and you asked your mom if you could have a cookie. She says you can have  one, but after you eat it, you decide that they are soo good and that you can't help buyt eat another. Then two becomes more and more and more until you get sick. They you have to tell your mom what you did and face the consequences. This is a mild example, but what I the Holy Spirit tells you to do something? If the Holy Spirit tells you to do something and you don't do it, it could be a life you are losing to hell and not just risking a stomach ache.

That is our nature though. We say no because it won't benefit us and it won't help us in anyway. I know a person, we will call him "Calvin." Well, I know someone named "calvin" and Calvin and my family were going to help move a frind of ours. Calvin had 2 friends named "Nick and Murray" and they were going to come and help too, but right before we all left to help, Calvin, Nick, and Murray decided not to help because there was no gain to it, another friend named "Imelda" had to bribe them into helping with a trip to a restaurant. That is our human nature though. We say no unless it helps us.

We also have to be listening to God though. If we are not listening, we cannot hear, and we cannot do. It is hard to listen sometimes and I still haven't really know if what I was hearing was my thoughts or Him, but we have to listen and we have to always try and never give up. We have to be willing to listen and to do what he tells us. Are you listening? 

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