Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Deep Dive 14

It says int he bible that we are to sharpen each other. That means we are to encourage anad help each other along in our daily walks. This is a very easy thing to say, but a hard thing to do. Encourageing others for an upcoming test is easy, and encouraging kids to pursue what they enjoy is a piece of cake, but encouraging others with somehting you struggkle with is hard. We must do it though, and just as I need sharpening there are also many who also need it. How can we sharpen people though? How can we encourage them? Thsi is a question that I cannot answer, but God can. So pray to him, O Saints of God, tha5 He may lead, guide, and direct your path.

This also applies to the people at church. For christions church should be like the sharpener they use for skatesk constantly turning and constantly sharpening. We must constantly be helping and sharpening each other. We can do that to. Everytime you are at church, you don't have to stand and yell it out at the pulpit, but say an encouraging word to them. Pray for them. That is hiw you can sharpen people.

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