Monday, April 30, 2012

Choices, situations, and problems

There are many problems in this world. Problems that are big, problems that are small. Problems that effect other people and problems that effect you. Everyone has their problems though and everyone has to make a desicion about that problem.
Such as, if you like to knit, and all the other kids in you class think it is silly to knit, do you keep knitting because you like it or do you stop knitting because you want to be liked? What happens if you stop and then forget how and later in life you need to know how to knit in a pinch but you forgot how? You could have decided to keep knitting and then still have known how.
Our lives and decisions very much depend in the opinions and the ideals of others. Your close friends especially effect what you think and how you respond to desicions. If you want to change clothes sytles and your friends disapprove of the change you are more likely to change back to stay with you friends and change your styles then to go against your friend's desicion.
Our lives depend on our friends but what happens when you have to make a desician against your friends desicions. You have to stand up what you believe in and not always go with the status quo. You have to be you own people and you don't have to be afraid because as it  says  in the bible "for you are fearfully and wonderfully made."
we were given free will by God and we do not have to depend on others for everything.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Salt, poison, explosions, and marriage

Salt is a very simple thing. It sits on the dinner table and you put it on fries and potatoes. It makes the gives the food more taste and is a well liked thing in our country. The origins of salt are actually quite dangerous though. To make salt you combine, sodium and chloride. Originally sodium by itself is explosive and chloride is poisonous. And we eat it every day!
God created sodium and chloride to make salt. God also created man and wife. God made man at the beginning of time and he created woman as a companion for him. They were to live together with all the animals of the garden and had only one rule. They were companion to each other in marriage just as sodium and chloride are companions to each other to in salt.
God created both salt and marriage but both have their impurities. God created it perfect but because of our sinful nature we bring in the impurities and now we need to ask Him to take away the impurities. An example of an impurity in marriage is unfaithfulness.
I saw a movie once about devotion called "Fireproof" and in the movie there was a man who was having trouble with his marriage. He had a friend who gave him an example with that where he glued the salt and the pepper shakers together to show how marriage was something that was supposed to unite people and not destroy the people involved.
The salt and pepper shakers stayed together even with all their impurities with the help of glue. Humans need to stay together even with all their impurities with the help of God.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Parents: Honor and longlivety

Parents are a very important aspect of a young child's life. Your Parents guide and protect you, to share experiences and teach you the things you need to know to have a good, prosperous life. This is also true in the bible. In the fifth commandment it says, "Honor your mother and father so that you will live a long time in the land that God, your God, has given you."

This is the only commandment with a promise and in says that you will have a long life in the land that God has given you and all you need to do it to honor your mother and father. It might seem like something which is really hard to do and sometimes not worth doing but it is worth doing. You might not want to honor you parents but in the long run it is much better than not honoring them.

If you think about it, when do your parents ask you to do things? They might ask you to help rake leaves or do dishes or clean you room, but that isn't rocket science. Picking up socks or scrubbing a plate doesn't kill you. It might irk you for the time while you doing it because it throws you off an "extremely important" schedule but if you wash the dishes and scrub the plate you will have a lot longer time to do the things on the schedule.

Things we do in our everyday life may seem really important at the moment of doing them but it says in the bible that all things that are not of him will fall away. It says to store up your treasures in heaven. Daily things seem to lose their important when you get to heaven so if your mom or dad asks you to take out the garbage or to walk the dog, think about it, "this may seem annoying know but in the long run, is it worth it to complain?"

Parents are also here to share their experiences with us. Have you ever had a grandparent or a parent tell you stories about how this happen to them or how you should avoid that? They are sharing their knowledge with you to help prepare you for the things that you will face during life. Your parents tell stories to help you understand situations and consequences, much like Jesus did with parables. They love you and want to protect you and see that no harm comes to you.

If these are our earthly parents, and God is our heavenly father, how much more of this will He do you for?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Parents and perplexity

Parents. For some people (and most teens) parents are a real drag. They limit your freedom and make rules for you and keep you from doing the things you want to do. They don't let you do things that you want and theyt cramp your style. They seem like a real drag.
It doesn't sound very good like that but that is how most teens see their parents. As ristrictions instead of helpers and guides. Parents are there to protect you and even if they cramp your style you always see to get it back out again anyway.
Thatr is somethign that usually triggers us taking our parents for granted. Since they are helpers and guides and protectorates we just take them for granted. We see it as a given that there will be food, shelter, and a clean water everyday. WE don't even think about it.
What would happen if one day all the things that we take for granted suddenly weren't there though? everything would spontainiously break down and we would be like baby eagles thrown out of the nest but with no one to catch us. We would free fall and hopefully learn to fly for ourselves as the ground races towards us at breakneck speed.
What would happen if God did that to us? Suddenly He just stops looking after us and protecting us. What would happen if God let us freefall into nothingness? It is a frightening concept. God is a parent and he is there fr us. He is the best parent that there is, was, and ever will be and he won't let us fall. He will catch us and even if our parents don't seem like the best thing in teh world, he is there for us and he will catch us when we fall.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rules and Parents

Rules and parents. Both of these things are important to the growth and development of children. Both are depended on and both shape people. You always look up to your parents for guidence when you are young and you grow with that.
Rules are the things that keep youy in line. They arre well needed and they are in place to protect us and guide us.
Yoiu can tell a great many things about rules and parents though. Usually from the rules given in your house you cna deduce the values that your parents have. It can be honesty, cleanliness, politeness, and a great assortment of many things. God is also like this. That only makes up one part though, the other part is grace.
There are ten commandments that God gave us. Each there to guide adn help us and each there to show us His love and the things that He values.
One of the commandments is "Love your naighbor as yourself." This teaches us that to value other peopel more than oursleves as Jesus did.
Another is "Thou shalt not kill." This shows that he values life.
"Thou shalt not steal" implys honesty.
"Honor thy mother and father" is obidience.
The list goes on and on and there are many different values that God shows is through is love, his rules, and his grace.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Measuring cups

Measuring cups are useful things. They can measure many things and are very handy to have in your kitchen. They are practical and quaint. Unfortunatly a measuring cup does not measure everything. Like lying. You can't measure out a amoutn of lies you tell into a measuring cup. Only God measures how much you lie and is willing to forgive you at a moments notice if you only ask Him. God is there and is ready to forgive and all you have to do is ask.
Most people don't see this though, they bring it all upon themselves and don't know how to cope with it. It is like they over filled their cups and now they are tipping. If it were on a scale and God was on the other sijde your cup would tip the balance because God';s would be empty. God does not delight in evil but in the truth and He is always there to help and protect you but you must give your troubles to Him. He is the measuring cup of lies and we must aim to have our cups the same as His, and not by the worldly standards of the cups which is full and over flowing.
By the world's view the measuring cups which measure our lies would be over flowing and tipping over but we must aim to not tell lies and to live and delight in the truth. We must let God's cup be our standards and not the cups or the worldly standards.

Monday, April 2, 2012

right and wrong?

"Right and wrong?" This is a answer that you might get if you walk up to someone and ask them "To you, what is right and wrong?  There are many people today who don't acknowledge that there even is a right or wrong and they just live their life the way they want to.
There are meny differnet reasons for people to do this. It could be because they don't want to admit that they do wrong so they just negate the possibilities of both right and wrong so they don't have to face it. Other people don't believe in it because they say that "Everyone has their own opinion. There is no right or wrong to anything." Still others say that "I can do whatever I want. No one tells me what to do." All of these thing are answers that you hear if you talk to people, and they all believe that their answer is a reasonable answer and they talk themselves into believeing that there is no right or wrong.
What happens if your point of view that there is no right or wrong could effect you eternally though?  What happens when you tell people that there is more that just this life and that wrong without repentance will leave you in a place where you don't want to be? Many people would laugh but the question would always be there. "What would happen to me if it were true?" 
Being a Christian, I know that God will forgive my sins if I ask Him, but I don't blatently go and look to do bad. The Holy Spirit shows me what is right and wrong and it is my desicion. I am the one who choses the things that I do and even though many people don't believe that there is a right and wrong eventually it will catch up with them, and hopefully it isn't to late.